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Hearing Minho call him baby, Jisung thought he'd died and gone straight to heaven. In all honesty, he wasn't sure how Minho was attracted to him. Minho was this other worldly, charismatic, hot, sexy guy, and Jisung was just, well, Jisung.

"I hate you." Jisung muttered, his cheeks and ears turning red. He was pretty sure Minho saw it as well, because he heard him laugh behind him. Minho's arms gave him a gentle squeeze.

"I love you." Minho whispered against Jisung's neck. Yup, he was definitely in heaven right now. He shut his eyes, leaning his head back against Minho's shoulder. He wanted to stay there forever, wrapped up in Minho's arms. "I love you more than anyone I've known." Minho reiterated.

Jisung smiled at that, basking in the warm light of the setting sun. It sent a pink hue over his delicate features, and Minho was positive that his cheekbones sparkled in a golden, iridescent way.

"I love you too." He was so happy. So, so happy.

"Thank you. For spending time with me." Jisung added. He wanted to make sure Minho knew how grateful he was for his presence.

Minho slid his hands down to Jisung's waist, giving a gentle squeeze that had Jisung almost melting into his arms. "Thank you for saying yes to being my boyfriend."

Jisung would've been crazy if he said no. He'd go home and bury himself in a hole if he had to see the face of rejection on Minho; the guilt would crush him into pieces. "Oh," Minho said again, interrupting his thoughts. "The tide is coming in."

And sure enough, it was. The water was flowing in so rapidly that it was rocking against the base of the small hill they were on. Jisung frowned. That meant Minho had to go; they had to go their separate ways.

No, I'm not leaving him.

"Hey!" Jisung contorted his body so that he could face Minho without completely turning around. It was a stupid idea—a very, very stupid idea—but he wanted to spend as much time as he could with Minho.

"Let's go to the silo together."

There was silence. Jisung could feel his heart hammering against his chest. Did he cross the line? Why was Minho looking at him like that?

"T-the ghosts must be a lie! Let's go make sure." Sincerely, what he was saying made zero sense, and the both of them knew it, but Jisung was secretly hoping that maybe Minho would want to go. He could face his fears with Jisung by his side.

Minho opened his mouth but paused, the air exiting through his parted lips. So Jisung waited and waited until Minho finally spoke. "Tomorrow... no," Minho shook his head, letting go of Jisung's waist. "Let's go right now."

Slowly, he stood up, taking Jisung's hand in his to help him get up off the grass. The two of them brushed the dirt off their pants. Jisung spoke cautiously, "Are you sure?"

"Yes." Minho said, interlocking his fingers with Jisung's. The younger man smiled up at him, allowing Minho to lead the way down the road, over to where the silo was.

He didn't let the fact that the silo wasn't close to the mansion at all bother him. So what if Minho had lied to him earlier about having to stay within range of the mansion? If Minho wasn't comfortable going to his house, then he'd wait until he was ready to.

I don't care who Minho really is.

Jisung and Minho kicked a small pebble along the road as they made their way to the large hill where the silo was. He could see it in the distance; it looked so small, but he knew that once he was standing in front of it, he'd be just as scared as Minho.

When Minho Was There • MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now