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It was getting late. Jisung assumed it was around midnight by the time he and Minho had finished dancing. Plus, their make-out session.

Currently, they were seated in the grass, back against the ledge, which overlooked the dark waters. Jisung's head rested on Minho's shoulder as the two of them chatted away. Most of the guests had either gone home or passed out drunk on the dance floor and couches, so it was quiet. The only noises that could be heard were the whispering of the two boys and the chirping of the crickets Jisung spotted hopping across the grass.

It was nice being alone with Minho. They always wound up that way, anyway. He enjoyed being in the company of others much more than anyone else. He felt so comfortable around Minho, despite the fact that they hadn't known each other for very long. Locking lips definitely brought them closer, but even if they never kissed, Jisung was sure he and Minho would've found other ways to grow closer.

Jisung was rambling on about how much he hated his auntie, and Minho just listened quietly, running his fingers through the strands of Jisung's hair. It felt nice, and he liked it when Minho paid attention to him.

It was interesting how different their backgrounds were. Minho came from a rich, foreign family who lived in a mansion—Minho mentioned they had more than one—and Jisung came from a city apartment with an auntie who struggled to find much joy in life without her husband.

"Do you ever think about running away?" Jisung's mind didn't register the outburst until it was too late. Minho's fingers halted in Jisung's hair, and the younger man peered up at him, eyes wide.

"Sure, sometimes."

The gentle breeze felt nice against his burning skin. Jisung nuzzled closer to Minho, and the other let him, pressing a chaste kiss to the top of Jisung's head.

"Would you ever run away with me? If I asked?" He was picking at his fingernails, tension rising in the silence between them. Jisung wasn't sure what he was getting at, and Minho probably found it strange too.

Minho let out a faint laugh, his head lolling back a bit. "'Course I would. You don't even need to ask."

His response made Jisung feel good. Minho was letting him know he'd be there for him. Sure, it was an unconventional way to ask, but now there was no room for doubt. Minho wanted only him.!

Minho let out an exhale: "Look for me again."

Jisung felt an overwhelming desire to sleep. His eyelids fluttered shut as he sleepily murmured.

"I will."

"And don't tell anyone. Promise." It wasn't really a question, more of a command, but Jisung was too sluggish to process the connotation. "I know." He whispered as he felt Minho begin to rub circles on his knee.

Jisung wasn't sure when he'd fallen asleep; he only remembered the sweet sound of Minho humming him to sleep and the light touch of his hand resting against his knee. The two of them lay there, underneath the stars, until they were both lost in sleep.

End of Chapter 14

End of Chapter 14◂ ⊱✧⊰ ▸

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TBC c:

authors note 2/24/24:
a little on the shorter side

When Minho Was There • MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now