Chapter 4

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Jungkook arrived late from work. He headed straight to his bedroom where he found Jin sleeping on the bed and Minho in his crib sucking on his pacifier. He kept his work bag aside and stripped out of his clothing before heading to the bathroom.

While in the bathroom his mind began to wander, he was young and should be free but he couldn't lead such a life anymore. He could no longer stay out like he usually would because his parents and everyone around him will call him irresponsible and immature because he had a husband and a child waiting for him to come back home. Both he didn't even ask for.

He tugged at his hair frustratingly before taking a long needed shower.
Stepping into the room with a towel around his waist, he's Suprised to see Jin awake resting his back against the headboard frame of the bed.

"You're back" Jin said in a low voice while starring at him.

"Hmm" Jungkook replied, turning his back towards him while he searched for what to wear to bed in the closet.

"How was work?"


"I waited up for-" Jin didn't get to finish his words before Jungkook lashed out at him.

"And why is that Seokjin? Who told you to wait up for me"

Jin was taken aback as he shifted his gaze to his hands on the bed and began fidgeting with his fingers. "N-nothing I j-just wanted us to t-talk" he stuttered with eyes still fixed to the ground. Of course he should have known it was just sex for Jungkook, so what's there to talk about.

Jungkook sighed as he got dressed in a navy blue pajama shorts with matching shirt. He wasn't the type who slept in a shirt, but since his life had taken such unexpected turn and he ended up sharing his bedroom with two individuals, he no longer had the luxury of living the way he once did.

"I didn't mean to shout" He said as he strolled towards his own side of the bed taking a seat "I just do not want to talk, I'm not in the mood and I sure as hell have nothing to say to you" and with that he crawled under the comforter turning his back to Jin and closed his eyes.

"Aigoo my Minho is such a big boy now" Jimin gushed over his bestfriend child as he fed him some chocolate ice cream while they sat around a table at a cafe. It's been a long time he saw his bestfriend, so he invited him out for lunch so they might as well catch up on all they've been missing out on.

"Jimin you can't do that" Jin snickered, "he's still a baby is it right to be feeding him chocolate?"

"Says the person whose eaten two bowls already?" Jin laughed and resumed eating his ice cream.

Jimin and Jin have been friends since forever. They basically grew up together and know everything about eachother, They also help eachother through some difficult situations.

When Jin had gotten pregnant for Jungkook, Jimin was the only one who was there for him, he encouraged Jin to keep Minho and not do anything drastic. I mean it was some what his fault everything happened because he dragged Jin to that very party where he got knocked up.

"Well I'm a grown ass man, so I can have as much as I want" Jin replied making Jimin roll his eyes

"Whatever, I'm giving him just few spoons so no big deal." Jimin returned his attention to Minho who was licking his lips and waving his hands in the air

"Gosh you're so cute!" Jimin gently pinched his cheeks making him giggle "I can't believe you're one already, you were just a baby yesterday"

"And don't forget you weren't around for his birthday, neither did you call" Jin added making Jimin instantly regret drinking the previous night before Minho's birthday,and sleeping in the next day forgetting to call Jin on video call to wish Minho a happy birthday

"I will forever hate my life for that" He dropped his head into his palms and peeked out from in between his fingers at Jin "will you ever forgive me?"

Jin shrugged his shoulders and took a napkin to wipe his lips before speaking "You shouldn't be apologizing to me but him" Jin said as he gestured towards a still very excited Minho who had no idea what the adults were talking about

Jimin picked up Minho in his arms and showered him with kisses "I'm such a terrible uncle baby, please forgive me and I swear on my life I will never ever forget about your birthday again for as long as I live. I will make sure I buy you lots and lots and millions of presents. Will you ever forgive this shameless uncle or yours?"

Jin burst out laughing as he saw the look on Jimin's face, he really did look sorry as shit but it was funny to him because Minho couldn't understand all what he was saying even though he kept smilling up at Jimin making him smile right back.

"You're just jealous he loves me" Jimin added after glaring at Jin for laughing at such an intimate moment between him and his nephew.

Jimin placed Minho back in his baby seat and turned his attention to Jin "So how's being married?"
The sudden shift in Jin's mood didn't go unnoticed by Jimin who sank further into his chair

"I knew it! He's still an asshole as always"

Jin's eyes widen "Jimin!"


"Don't say that, people could hear you"

"And I don't care! Who the hell does he think he is because he's from a wealthy family and he's rich,he thinks he can treat you like trash? I can't believe him I thought after a while he would change his ways, but judging from your body language and your puffy eyes oh yes! Don't even think I didn't notice that earlier when you walked in. You look like you lacked sleep last night or even most nights"

Jin closed his eyes avoiding Jimin's intimidating gaze and sighed and Jimin's heart clenched. He hated seeing Jin going through pain he often would wish he was the one because Jin was way too precious for this world. Reaching across the table the pulled Jin's hand into his

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to have such outburst but it's so annoying! I thought after that time I gave him a piece of my mind for requesting for a paternity test concerning Minho when the child literally looks like an exact replica of him. I thought he would change, but I clearly can see from your whole demeanor that it's the opposite" He rolled his head backwards before facing Jin again "I'm sorry Jinnie, I'm sorry for everything it's all my fault. If I hadn't dragged-"

Jin cut Jimin off before he could finish "Don't you dare Jimin, it's not your fault I mean look at him" He pointed towards his son who had gradually fallen asleep on his chair making him chuckle "He wouldn't be here if you didn't drag me out that night, and trust me I know how much you love him. He wouldn't be here making us so happy if we didn't go out that night, so please stop saying it's your fault. I'm hanging in there and Minho is giving me strength everyday, I will be just fine" He added with a tight lip smile.

By the time Jin finished talking, Jimin was already a crying mess "You look ugly when you cry please wipe those eyes" Jin joked causing Jimin to shove his hands away reaching for a paper towel on the table and wiping his face while blowing his nose as well.

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