Chapter 27

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By the time Jungkook was finally able to creak his eyes open, he carefully takes in his environment, trying to soak in the unfamiliar beeping sound coming from the heart rate monitor as well as the bright lights that surrounded the vip room. He groaned in pain when he tried to stirring around only realizing his left arm was in a cast hung slightly around his neck, he exhaled deciding against moving at all.

Conversations could be heard faintly outside the closed door before the door is eventually pushed open. He's suprised to be face to face with his mom who wore a very schocked expression on her face while sprinting towards him in worry.

"Oh my goodness, you're awake" it sounded like a huge relief rather than a question as the woman heaved a long sigh while bringing her hands together in front of her "your father and I have been worried sick, how are you feeling son? Are you in any discomfort? Should I call for a nurse?"

A nurse did enter the room sooner than expected, giving the elderly woman a small bow before walking up to the patient. She examined him for a few minutes constantly scribbling words down on her notepad with the help of a pen.

"Do you by any chance feel feverish sir?" She asked Jungkook who just simply shook his head without words.

She nodded in confirmation before writing something down again "I think you're fit and ready to go, although the doctor would rather keep you here to run more tests, I will inform him that you're awake. Although he is currently busy at the moment but he will join you shortly" she told before bowing again to the woman then exiting the room.

Mrs Jeon pulled a chair from the side bringing it over to Jungkook's bedside where she took a seat beside him watching him cautiously "The doctor said you'll have to keep the cast on for a while, you dislocated your joint bones during the accident" she said, to which Jungkook still didn't say a word.

"Why didn't you tell me anything?" she eventually inquired when the silence was stretching on for far too long. "Why did you even refuse Yoongi from telling us? Jungkook don't you think you're being too impulsive? Did you for one minute think about how I would feel hearing my only son is in the hospital after a ghastly car accident but prevented anyone from telling me?"

Turning his head in the other direction, Jungkook simply muttered "It doesn't matter"

"What did you say?"

He huffed out a breath "I said I doesn't matter, everybody's lives would be a lot better without me around" he says without much emotions.

Mrs Jeon's eyes widened "Are you crazy? Where is that coming from?"

"Mom please stop, don't start acting like you care all of a sudden"

"How could you say that!" She retorted "of course I care, you're my son! My only son for crying out loud so why on earth wouldn't I care about you?" she immediately spoke up, thereby countering her sons words.

"Please just leave, I want to be alone" he says flatly.

Mrs Jeon almost scoffed but decided against it "This is it, this has always been your problem. If I leave as well, then whose left with you? Jin? Don't think I don't know about everything that has happened"

Jungkook turned his head in his mothers direction instantly as if she'd spoken a forbidden word "y-you know?" He practically stuttered.

"Yes Jungkook of course i know, I'm your mother for crying out loud" she swept her sweaty palms over her face while exhaling "he's never going to forgive me" she added in a sober tone.

She stared at her son longingly before she continued "Why did you never tell me? God Jungkook I asked about him every single day and every time but you insisted he was fine, you even warned me never to pay you a visit. Why would you keep something this deep away from me? Did you think I'd never find out? Or did you think your secret room at the house was going to be left unknown forever?"

Immediately the words left his mothers lips Jungkook was already struggling to sit up on the bed even against his mothers wish "leave me alone!" He roared "you went to the house and into that room? that very room?" He demanded, his eyes already reddened from anger.

"What were you expecting I do? You left me no choice, I needed answers and nobody would tell me anything. I somehow knew you still kept records of everything, it's you it's what you do best so I went to find it and I ended up listening to everything and it's re__"

"Get out!" he yelled.

"Jungkook please stop" she cried "I'm only trying to help you, you didn't give me a choice Jungkook, you wouldn't tell me anything, you're so good at shutting everyone out just to hide your feelings, do you think the people around you won't find out about it sooner or later?"

He groaned out in frustration "Get out! I said leave this instant. Everything was your fault in the first place, you knew i wasn't stable and yet insisted on every single thing! Now I've ruined it all, my life and his and now you're going to come here and tell me you were only trying to help me? Bullshit you hear me? Bullshit! Just get the hell ou__" he couldn't complete his words as he abruptly began coughing uncontrollably and wincing in pain.

Mrs Jeon panicked trying to hold him still "Jungkook? please stop, lets talk about__"

"What the hell is going on here?" Two nurses barged in interrupting the mother and son while desperately trying to stabilize the hyperventilating man.

"What happened to him?" the female nurse asked to which Mrs Jeon couldn't provide an answer, she could only cry while stuttering with her words "Ma'am I'm sorry, but we are gonna need you to wait outside please" the female nurse told her while the male nurse was too busy administering pain killers and sedatives to calm Jungkook down.

The piercing cry of a new born filled the hospital room as Taehyung exasperatedly gasped for air admist hot tears running down his cheeks. The baby is immediately bathed dressed and wrapped in thick woolen clothes before being handed to Hoseok who had been present all through the night while Taehyung went into labor.

"So what are we gonna do now?" Hoseok questioned after Taehyung was transfered to a resting room were he was now able to meet with his friend.

Taehyung sighed looking down at his new born who was nestled on his chest and sleeping peacefully with her tiny finger in her mouth. "I don't know yet, Jungkook was  supposed to be here but I think something might have happened to him"

"Jungkook?" Hoseok asks while corking a brow "why would he be here?"

"Because I still haven't told him hyung, he still believes the baby is his"

Hoseok pinched his nose bridge with a slumped shoulder "That's the more reason you need to come clean now for the sake of your baby, for Christs sake you just gave birth Tae this baby deserves to know her real father, stop trying to impose her on Jungkook will you"

"But her real father has nothing! Absolutely nothing, you think I want to child to grow up being stepped on by the high and mighty in the society?"

Hoseok shook his head in disbelief "I can't believe you right now"

"Don't feel sorry for him hyung, Jungkook deserves this, except you're going ahead to tell him hyung which you clearly have no right to, I'll handle this myself. For now, I'm going to wait to be discharged before taking his daughter to him, I'll reduce him to nothing that's for sure, he's going to wish he never came back to me"

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