Chapter 23

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The human mind worked in mysterious ways, it somehow had it own ways of shakening up your spirit and crumbling down your higly defensive facade. In the case of Jin, it was clearly both as his body grew rigid with shock, the kind of shock which sent high ends electric jolts throughout every fiber of his being.

Gathering all the strength he had left in his plaint limbs he shoved Jungkook away from himself, causing the latter to fall to the ground laughing hysterically admist the tears that had visibly stained his cheeks. He looked disheveled, disorganized and completely wasted.

"What on earth are you doing here Jungkook?" Seokjin asks, body shaking from rage and fear. Feelings mixed together in a way he didn't exactly know which was right to feel at the given moment.

Sprawling his legs out on the floor Jungkook took another big gulp from his almost now empty bottle "What Jin? Are you suddenly going to have them moved to another location?" He slurred out.

"If I have to!" He retorted, glaring at the man sitted on the floor "for fucks sake Jungkook what more do you want from me? I've given you everything, all you've ever done is take, take and continue taking, I have nothing left Jungkook, you've taken my all"

"Jin please stop" he began "Don't do this to me, my entire life is falling apart, this is the only place that somehow makes me feel whole. Yes I know it's crazy, I too cannot begin to explain why either, but please don't take them far away from me__"

"You've gone crazy!" Jin says cutting him off abruptly.

"Everybody says that you know__"

"I don't care what everybody says" he cuts him off again "Leave! Get away from my kids and I Jungkook please go!" He choked in a merciless and painful sob that threatened to escape through his eyes. "Just leave us alone, haven't you done enough? All I'm simply asking for is a divorce, a divorce from you and anything thing that is associated with you or concerns you. The mere sight of you sends me back into the deepest part of pain I'm gradually trying to come out from, cant you just freaking let me go!"

The sky had considerably gotten much darker by the time Jungkook was able to stand to his feets after listening all Jin had to say. Inhaling sharply he combed his fingers through his hair before wiping his moistened cheeks with the hem of his sleeve. Staggering closer to Jin he sniffed when he was now face to face with the man.

"You are one hell of a man you know, you had the guts to hide my kids away from me for such a long time, now I found them but you still have the audacity to walk me out of their presence? How much more miserable do you want me become Seokjin?" He sobbed resting his head on the man's shoulder as he cried his eyes out "I-i don't know what's wrong with me anymore, these days it's become so difficult to do anything properly, I can't eat, I can't sleep, it's like my entire world is totally spinning out of its axis in my mind, driving me crazy to the point of breaking into bits. Coming here sort of helped, but now you're selfishly taking that away from me too"

Seokjin shoved him again, harder than he'd done the first time causing him to fall backwards but not down to the ground "You selfish bastard!, Leave before I call the police"

"Jin, it's okay please stop crying"
Ken encourages as he sits beside the man in his living room sofa, patting him sympathetically along the expanse of his broad back.

Jin had dialed Ken when Jungkook eventually left him all alone at the cemetery. It was already pitch dark and he was too scared for his dear life to return home by himself so he called his lawyer who so kindheartedly showed up in less than twenty minutes. On their way home Jin had broke down in tears before man, so Ken figured he might as well stay a while beside him before calling it a night. It was too heartbreaking seeing the man hurt so much when he wasn't deserving of anything that had happened to him.

It was all rather just unfortunate.

"Do you k-know wh-hy it hurts so much?" Seokjin questions staring up at Ken with his reddened cheeks and swollen eyes"


"It's because he still isn't sorry" he said before another wave of tears came cascading down his face "he still doesn't know what he did so wrong, he's still not making any attempts to make amends or reflect on his sins, he thinks everything is all about him, not about me or the shit I've had to deal with for so long__"

Ken pulled Jin into a hug before he could continue "it's okay Jin, please stop crying" he soothed "You've come such a long way and we are all so proud of you, this is almost over please hang in there, just a few more weeks and you'll completely be free from him believe me"

Jin's head banged continuously and uncontrollably as he forced his eyes open to the morning rays that filtered into the room through the silk curtains.

"Ouch" he winced in pain gripping both sides of his head tightly as he tried adjusting to the light and his entire environment.

When he was fully able to sit up resting his back against a cushion, he's faced with a very messy living room littered with empty bottles of wine and bottles of clear liquor as well, his phone was placed farther off away on the center table. Just then it rang and he carefully managed to crawl towards it, picking it up when he saw it was Jimin.

"Hey Minnie" he called out, voice hoarse from lack of proper sleep.


He could hear the exasperated sigh that left his friends lips through the speaker, causing his forehead to form obvious crease in confusion.

"Are you okay Jimin? Is something wrong?"

He sighed again before replying to him "Yes Jinnie I'm okay, it's just that um I thought something happened to you"

"Why would anything happen to me Minnie? I was with you yesterday right? Im fine, totally fine"

"I've been trying to reach you all morning that's why. Actually Jinnie I'm on my way over" Jimin informed.

"Oh okay sure. But are you sure you're okay Minnie? You know you can tell me right? Is it Joon? You guys didn't fight agai___"

"It's Jungkook" Jimin informs in one go breathing throw his mouth.

Was he supposed to care?

"I'm lost Minnie, why should Jungkook bother m__"

"He was involved in a fatal car crash last night Jin. I thought you heard already, so I was calling to check on you, I really didn't know what to do"

THE HATE YOU GIVE (Kookjin)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ