༒𝐻𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑦! 𝐻𝑒𝑠 𝐺𝑜𝑛𝑒!༒

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➪𝑔𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑------------------------------------

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➪𝑔𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑

—Y/n's POV—

Dad and I walked out of the hospital the next morning. But what I didn't expect was to see Emma, Regina, Mary Margaret and David sprinting up to us. They all had confused expressions on their faces, but if they had come to the hospital, what were they expecting to see?

"Y/n!" Emma exclaimed. "You're awake!"

"Yeah," I drifted. It was awkward. You know when it's been a long time since you've seen your family and they notice how 'tall' you've gotten, yeah, it was like that.

"Come here!" Mary Margaret pulled me into a tight embrace, I could feel everyone else's arms form around me.

"Where's Henry?" I asked, remembering the reason Emma, Mary Margaret and Iwere banished to the Enchanted Forest in the first place. All of their faces turned to worried glances. "What's going on?" I asked, confused.

"It's.. It's Henry." Regina started.

"He's gone." David finished.

"Gone! Gone where!"

17 Years BC (Before Curse)
—3rd Person POV—

Y/n jumped back, away from Peter. Who was this boy? Where was she? All questions that would be answered in time... Her breathing started getting heavier as she grew more and more confused.

"Who are you!" She threatened.

"Calm down, alright." Peter held out his hands in an attempt to calm the girl.

Y/n blasted her magic into the brunette boy's chest, it knocked Peter out.

"I'm sorry." She whispered over and over again, bringing her hands to her mouth. She hoped that she hadn't hurt him. "I'm sorry." She ran. Away from her possible mistake. She ran so far along the beach that she saw a group of boys huddled together, and a scream of a girl.

This was the same as Y/n's dream...

—Y/n's POV—

We were all on my fathers, and I was overjoyed to see Ares come on deck.

"Ares!" I shouted as I ran over to him. I immediately put my arms around him in a tight hug but, to my suprise, he didn't hug back. He looked... mad, almost.

"What's wrong?" I questioned.

"Nothing." He shoved. "I'm glad you're back." Clearly. I sassed to myself.

"So," Gold interrupted. "Are you done trying to kill me?" I assumed this question was directed at my father.
"I believe so."

"Excellent, then you can live." Gold swirled his hand in the air making a large white, translucent ball appear. He carefully pricked his finger on the top. We all watched in curiosity as the blood formed a map on the ball. I recognized this map all too well.

"Where is that? Where did they take Henry?" Regina questioned.

"Neverland." I answered, trebling. I thought Ares would come over and rub my arms reassuringly, but my arms remained untouched. I was worried. Scared. Terrified. To see Pan. Assuming that he was still alive, of course.
We were going onto his territory now.


Emma placed a magic bean into my fathers hand. Dad strongly threw it into the lake of Storybrooke. A portal started forming in front of us.

I started raising the sail as I noticed the wind speed pick up.

"So who are we up against!" David yelled. "Who are Greg and Tamara?"

"They're mearly pawns." Gold explained, grabbing a rope for support. "Manipulated by greater forces far greater than they can conceive. They have no idea who they're working for!"

"And who's that!" Ares shouted. I let out a sight before speaking.

"Peter Pan."

17 Years BC (Before Curse)
—3rd Person POV—

Y/n waved her hand in the air, almost like the Dark One, and knocked the boys out. The screams of the girl were silenced.

A girl lay on the sand, she was on her back. Y/n was unable to see the girl's face because of the hood.

"Are you alright?" Y/n asked as she pulled the girl up.

"I should be fine. How'd you do that?"

"Magic. Now come on, it won't hold them long."

"Wait!" The girl called after Y/n. "What's your name?"

"Y/n Jones. You?"


"It's nice to meet you Ellianna, but we really should be going now."

The new friends ran through the dense jungles of Neverland through the night, eventually, they found what looked like a safe hiding place. It was time to rest for the night.


October 24, 2021

Okay, I saw Dune in theatres.... All I can say is WOW! SUCH A GOOD MOVIE! (Definitely recommend reading the book first)

𝑀𝑦 𝑃𝑎𝑠𝑡 𝐿𝑜𝑣𝑒 ༒ 𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑛 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟Where stories live. Discover now