Marcus' Home Life

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*Marcus walked home, he had just spent a long day at the skate park without Leo, he decided that when he where to arrive home, he would do some homework, it was Sunday, so it was his only day off of the whole week, the sunset was beautiful behind him, but he had seen it enough to be too bored to stop and appreciate it*

*When Marcus arrived tot the old dusty apartment complex, he let out a short sigh, it had cobwebs and it was a bit broken down, it was also very smelly on the inside, when he walked up into the old complex building, that had some bricks falling off the side, he noticed a puddle of something, yeah that wasn't from rain..- He plugged his nose and started walking up the stairs.*

*As he got to the 3rd floor, he noticed the smell got less bad, it must be coming from the first floor and it couldn't be too bad if it didn't waft up to the third floor, so not a dead body or something, Marcus was alway cautious anyways, he lived in a very sketchy neighborhood*

*Marcus fumbled with his keys and struggled to open the door, he put the keys back in his backpack and kicked down the door, in a frustrated mood. It's a two room apartment, a bed pushed in the corner of the room, if you could even call it a bed, it was a mattress with comforters and pillows on top!! There was a small kitchen set which was a stove a few cabinets and a small fridge, it was all pretty dusty-*

*There was a small, old looking tv and a deep olive green couch with small black and white patterned pillows, the rug on the floor looked old and had too many stains to count on it. The bathroom was musty and there was no bathtub, only a shower, the sink had toothpaste smeared on the side, from a spill. The toilet in the corner was actually pretty clean... surprisingly.*

*Marcus goes over to his deep olive green couch and sits down to open his school chrome book, he's hacked the software so he can do his normal work on it, too. He works at Apple Store every Saturday, he's always had a knack for programming!! It's helped him make most of his money. After he opens his school chrome book, he logs onto google classroom to check if he has any assignments.*

Marcus: Sh**. I have two assignments. A paper due in language arts on Tuesday and I have to do the math homework due on Wednesday. Oh!! I also have to study for Friday's quiz in History. F***. I know basically everything in History, thank goodness for my note taking. I have already done half of the language arts paper and I only have to finish the math homework- This should be finished by tomorrow, I hope-

*Marcus set off to work doing research for his language arts paper, it was really easy considering it was a simple essay on an some basic stuff they talked about it class, it was really easy to finish, he did a bit of the math homework, though he always sucked at math, it had always been his worst grade, a few years he even failed it.*


*Marcus stopped the urge to throw his computer across the room and put it down next to him and flopped on his bed, he really didn't care about his math paper that was due, he wanted to go onto the stage in later life or produce music!! Math doesn't really control that.*

*Marcus slowly drifted off to sleep in his dusty apartment, he'd rest for a bit and finish the homework later. Everything seemed nice for a bit...*




[Dream Complete!!]

Huh. I wake up a very mystical place. Theres giant mushrooms in my wake. A small yellow path with a pebble outline winds down the horizon. There's giant candies and lollipops!! The grass is green, greener than I've ever seen. It's like a fantasy world!!

Wait- who am I? Oh yeah!! I'm Marcus, the trans boy who lives on the third floor of a broken down apartment complex- Wait- Where am I? It's wonderful and all, but I can't help but wonder why I'm here, how did I even come across this place? It's truly a dream!!

I get up, the ground is kinda squishy. I can't tell if I like it or not? I walk down the pebble outlined yellow brick path and come across a giant weaving tower, it looks something straight out of one of those fantasy shows. This is getting strange. I walk up to the tower and knock on the door.

The door says in a deep voice: Marcus, please enter. The door disintegrates and reveals a perfectly spotless elevator. Okay, this was getting either cool or creepy, sometimes I can't tell-

I stepped into the spotless elevator and let it take me to the top of the tower, there was only one button so I don't know how I was supposed to go up, the button read: 'UP' hmm, I'll figure that problem out later, when the elevator arrived at the top of the tower, I stepped out of it. An old wizard was standing there, he kinda looked like he was on dr*gs or something- Not gonna lie-

"M-Marie, I've been w-waiting for you~ I know y-your secrets l-like your REAL name" The old wizard croaked, loudly.

I froze. I hadn't heard that name in years, it isn't my name anymore, right?! It couldn't be my name- No one had called me that in so long!! This was fake right? This couldn't be happening!! No.. No.. Not like this- This shouldn't be happening!! I hate this. I wanna go home!! Someone, get me out of this fake paradise, this absolute nightmare. I hate it here!! Someone save me, please!! I'm scared, help, please, someone help!! I'm calling but no one is even f***ing answering!!

*Marcus woke with a jolt to the sound of his alarm clock going off, it had been a stupid nightmare all along. He got up with a sigh, he never finished that math homework- Whatever it was time to go to school. One thing for sure- He NEVER wanted to hear the name Marie EVER again in his life.*

To be Continued...


Thank you for making it this far!! -^-

I'm honestly surprised you're still here reading this >:P

I love you, stay safe!! <3

I'll see you in the next chapter, hopefully!! :D

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