A School Day #2

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*Leo walked to school today, hoping to see Marcus on the way there. He wanted to talk to him, losing one of the only people he actually
considered a friend was a big no-no to him. He might be popular, but he only had a few real friends that he actually considered friends; Marcus, Ivy, Calypso, and maybe Tobias, that is, when he's not being annoying- He really didn't want to loose the closest of his friends. More importantly, he had finally confirmed in his brain that he did in fact have a crush on Marcus. He didn't wanna ruin anything. Leo stopped outside of Marcus' apartment.*

Leo: Sh*t. Where even is he?!

*It seemed as though Marcus had left early so he could not be seen today. Either that or he had never left the house... Leo decided on the first option, he was sure that Marcus wouldn't skip school unless something REALLY bad had happened!! What if something really bad had happened..? No, that's not possible, Leo shook his head. Marcus was perfectly fine!! In every way possible.*

Leo: *Leo sighed* Whatever... I'll just go to school- Without him- I guess...

*Leo trodded off to school, he was sad Marcus wasn't there- Maybe Marcus had just taken Leo's advice finally and started to go to school earlier so he wasn't only a few seconds early to class- Marcus missed a lot of classes because he always used to wait for Leo to come walk with him!! Something was definitely off..- He was happy Marcus finally listened but sad at the same exact time... strange... very strange...*

*Leo finally arrived to school where he saw Ivy, standing out infront of the school, as if she was waiting for someone-*

Leo: Ivy!!

Ivy: oh..- Leo!! Hi, I haven't seen you in too long!!

Leo: Sorry, Ivy, schedule has been tight lately!! I've still been going to the old skate park hoping to see you and Calypso-

Ivy: Oh f*ck- I haven't been in WEEKS- Been paying attention to a certain someone~

Leo: Oh!! You got a boyfriend?

Ivy: Not exactly a boyfriennnnddd-

Leo: WHAT?! But you're straight?-

Ivy: Unlabeled, now, I have a beautiful lover!!

Leo: Oh they're non binary? Niiice

Ivy: Yep!! My wonderful Calypso<3

*Ivy giggled as Leo's jaw dropped to the floor, like an anchor to a ship, he was absolutely, completely dumbfounded. He knew Calypso had a major crush on Ivy but never thought it would work out in their favor. It always seemed that Ivy was very oblivious to the love that they seemed to hold for her. *


Ivy: It was all to sudden- kinda like a dream!! On minute I was single, the next I realized that I was madly in love with the glorious Calypso. Marcus match made us, really- I'll be forever grateful to him, he's too kind-

Leo: Yeah, he is, isn't he?

*Leo's eyes brightened at the mention of Marcus, he noticed slightly how happy he felt at the mention of his best friend. Yeahhhh this definitely wasn't in the slightest how best friends think of each other- but he didn't know if he was ready to accept the fact that he was in love, yet-*

Ivy: *teasing* You treat him well~

Leo: h-huh?!

Ivy: *giggles* You heard me~ I saw your eyes light up like that, you're in looooooovvveee~

Leo: I- I-

*Leo starts to flush up and he looks away, blushing. You can tell that he has no idea how to respond to the obviously true statement. He's in serious denial about how he feels for Marcus.*

*He was about to find the perfect response when Calypso turns up out of no where, she was just running up to hug Ivy. They leaped and threw her arms around the pretty girl. They stayed there for a few seconds before planting a kiss on the beautiful young lady and then turned to face Leo, their dark skin gleaming in the sunshine, they where grinning from ear to ear*

Calypso: Hey, Leo!! Haven't seen you in a while, I guess you've heard about me and my adorable girlfriend?

Leo: Yeah, you two make the cutest couple, I wish you well.

Ivy: Alsoooo~ Leo's got a cruuuushh~

*Calypso gasped as Leo looked away, yet again flushing. His face turned basically bright reddish pink. He was definitely embarrassed at this statement-*

Leo: W-whatever-

Calypso: Oh my gosh, this is revolutionary!! I need to know who the special girl is, she needs to be alerted at once!! Poor Marcus..-

Leo: Poor Marcus..?

*Calypso let go of Ivy and put her hands over her mouth, astonished about the information she had accidentally let slip!!*

Ivy: Don't worry, Calypso, he has a crush on Marcus so you can tell him!!

Calypso: B-but you're straight?!

Leo: *blushing a bit* I'm Omni-

Calypso: OH!! Well..- Marcus has had a crush on you for a few years, well he denies it, but I can definitely tell- I have a knack for that sorta $h1t!!

Leo: H-he has..?

Ivy: You dumba$$ of course he has!! It's been obvious from the very start, you're so oblivious, I swear- You better go ask him out or something-

Leo: N-no- You guys are lying, no way can someone as amazing as him like ME. He's my first love- but I don't think I'm lucky enough to be loved back by someone so... so... wonderful in every way!!

Calypso: I swear to the lord. I will march up to his house right now before school and tell him you're madly in love with him, which you are.

Ivy: Oh come onnnn, we don't wanna embarrass the poor guy-

Leo: I kinda want you to, but at the same time I don't- that WOULD be very much embarrassing-

Calypso: Kinda why we should do it-

Ivy: Calypso!! Stop itttt-

Calypso: fiiiiine-

*Leo flushed up at the thought of this actually happening, he was so deep in thought he barely heard the school bell ring until Calypso said bye and Ivy dragged him to class.*

[Chapter 10 Completed]

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It truly means too much

I hope you enjoyed

I'll see you in the next chapter if you really feel like you wanna keep going!! Good luck ;)


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