The Kisses

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[Setting: Liz's car, leather pads the seating inside the red car, it's nice. It smells new, and expensive. Like that fresh scent of cleaner; it also smells of cold hard cash. We resume to a conversation that should have been held before]

Liz: Hey, Leo?

Leo: Yeah?

Liz: How come you sold your car?

Leo: Well, a while back my mother got really sick, and I had just spent all my savings on this really nice car!! It was a Mercedes, nice for having saved up for years to get it.

Liz: Woah- you saved up so much!!

Leo: Well, anyways, my mom got really sick, and my father refused to pay for her bills to help her get better, she had come down with a rare disease and needed treatment immediately- My father thought it best to spend all his money on alcohol and crappy T-shirts with the stupid designs-

Liz: He sounds bad, I don't like the sound of him-

Leo: You'll be lucky if you never meet him- I ended up selling my Mercedes for treatment for my mom, she's nice, but she yells a lot-

Liz: That's so sweet of you!! You did that just for her, all of your savings, wow...

Leo: It seemed like a big deal at the time, but it isn't anymore, I have my mom, and that's worth it- I really miss being able to drive a fancy car to school each morning, sure- but I'd rather have a mom who cares for me and occasionally packs my lunch.

*Leo laughed a little, he was remembering the big decision he made that day to sell his car, after he had some leftover money and he gave it to his mom, she needed it. Sometimes, she gives him allowance, and he's already saving up for a black Mercedes. Just like his old one* 

*They get to Applebees, but it turns out that when Liz had ordered ahead, She had arranged take out, which was completely fine by Leo, he didn't wanna be stuck in a restaurant, anyways- But he was getting suspicious when they hopped back in the car and started driving away*

Leo: Are you kidnapping me or something?

Liz: *giggles* If you're into that~

Leo: Gross-

Liz: I'm kidding!! I'm taking you somewhere special.

Leo: Hm. Ok, I guess-


*The unsuspected visitor huffed and puffed on their bike, they where doing their best to keep up with the car, it was getting harder to keep up, the unsuspected visitor was starting to give up, it was getting too much for them, they felt defeated and they stopped in their tracks, bringing the bike to a halt on the side of a road. The unsuspected visitor was sad until a few seconds later, the car stopped on the side of the road itself, it just stopped, parked on the side of the road, this must have been fate!! The world was on their side today, the unsuspected visitor jumped for joy, it was a lucky day for them!!*

[Back to the Date]

Leo: Where are we?

Liz: Look around, dumba**, we're at the beach!!

Leo: Oh yeah..- I guess we are

Liz: Surprising, right?

Leo: Hmm.. Guess I am surprised-

Liz: *leans over and kisses Leo's cheek*

Leo: *flushes* I- 

Liz: Did that surprise you? 

*Liz skips off, satisfied with how this date is going so far. Leo follows her, he doesn't know how to feel- He was here thinking they where just friends and she just went up and kissed him!! Leo is COMPLETELY dumbfounded. He loves Marcus, right? He thinks so at least, he has too. This is confusing, feelings are stupid. The unsuspected visitor grumbles, they saw the whole thing. Leo kinda wobbles after Liz, still dazed and confused. The unsuspected visitor follows, inconspicuously*

Leo: *munching on food* so, why're we here?

Liz: I don't know, to talk?

Leo: about?

Liz: What's it like in your house?

Leo: It's... chaotic..-

Liz: How so? You mentioned how dumb your dad was earlier- You also said something about your mom being loud?-

Leo: Did I? Hm.. My dad is dumb 100%

Liz: I can tell, from what I've heard, he sounds like a mother f*cker

Leo: He is. All he does is yell at my mom and drink. Drink. Yell. Drink. It's a pattern, a pattern that never ever ends.

Liz: That seems really hard on you

Leo: Yeah..

*Leo stands up and so does Liz, they face the ocean, the wind is blowing through their hair, creating a majestic sort of picture.*

Liz: I'm sorry you have to go through that-

Leo: It's no big deal. I have to live with it, anyways.

Liz: I really wish I could help; if only there where something I could do...

Leo: No one can do anything.

Liz: I know- but-

Leo: Sometimes life hands you a sticky situation, in my case, it was the wrong  dad. Maybe some people could consider it the wrong parents, even. Considering my mom hasn't always been the most caring person in the world. But no ones perfect; at least she's decently considerate.

Liz: You go through so much, I hate that I can never compare to what you're going through, I wish I could relate to you, just so I could even come close to begin to understand what you go through every day- I really just wish I could live in your shoes, even for a day, or somethi-

Leo: No. I don't want anyone to have the burden of what I carry 

Liz: I wanna feel what you feel, someone as great as me could handle it easily!! 

Leo: I don't think you truly know what I go through-

Liz: I have my mind to make my best guess, that's all I got for now... it's my best bet, I just wish you knew how sorry I am for you, how much I wish I could help...

Leo: You don't have t-

*Liz whipped around and grabbed Leo's face in her arms, she quickly pulled him down into a kiss before Leo could react, his eyes wide, confused and scared.*

*The unsuspected visitor had had enough, they ran up to Leo and Liz, kissing, and grabbed Leo, the unsuspected visitor pulled him away from Liz. It took Leo a few seconds to realize what was happening and who this strange visitor was...*


To be Continued...


Thank you for reading!!

I'm surprised you're still here :^

Good job!! Proud of you <3 for making it this far

I hope you have a good day, see you in the next chapter, if you're not bored yet xD

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