After School

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*Leo tried to separate himself from his school friends as fast as he could, he was quite popular, he really wanted to go to the makeshift skate park and be there on time to talk to Marcus, he had finally settled on what sexuality he was, it was perfect for him!!*

Tobias: Hey, Leo!!

Leo: *Groan* What? I have places to be!!

Tobias: Well I-

*Tobias stopped cold because Leo looked up at him with his cold icy blue eyes, giving him something far worse than the death stare. He looked like he was ready to dig a hole, and bury Tobias alive. Tobias backed down, sweating a bit, starting to fear for his own life.*

Tobias: I- Well- I guess it can wait for tomorrow, right man? *sweating*

Leo: Good. I'll speak to you tomorrow.

Harlow: Leo!!

*Tobias walked away whistling, scared to see Leo get really pissed, Harlow had ran up to Leo and hugged him, trying to get attention out of him, she had become a light shade of pink. Leo looked away, unamused.*

Harlow: Leo, theirs a new girl coming to school tomorrow!!

Leo: And you're telling me this why? *cold stare*

*Harlow completely ignores Leo's obviously pissed off face*

Harlow: I want you to promise this girl won't come between us!! You're my boyfriend and all!! I don't want you looking at any other girl, okay?

Leo: Harlow, you're nice and all... but..- We're not dating- We never have been, I don't know you well enough and I think it's all about personality, not looks or anything like that, I'm sorry-

Harlow: B-but I'm the prettiest girl in school!! And you're the most handsome boy in school!! 

Leo: Both of those are opinions I don't agree with.

*Leo shook Harlow off of him and continued walking off of the school grounds, turning to go up the mountain, leaving Harlow looking sad and Tobias watching from behind a pillar, gasping, later going to comfort Harlow saying that it wasn't a breakup he was just having a bad day.*

*Leo was about to reach the makeshift skate park when he checked his phone and realized that he was 12 minutes late.*

Leo( thoughts) : F***.

*He continued up the mountain until he reached the hand made skate park and saw Marcus, mastering a kick flip, perfectly. He blushed a bit but shook away the feeling, it was just him being excited to see his best friend since this morning.. obviously..- right?*

Leo: Marcus!!

Marcus: Man, I thought you'd never come!! 

Leo: Oh, sorry, Tobias tried to come talk to me and stuff. He's kinda annoying- Then Harlow thought we where dating or something?- I really don't know-

Marcus: Sound like A**holes, sorry you have to go through that, mate, this is why I keep my friend count to a minimum.

Leo: That and because no one would want to be friends with a tall bottom a** who smells of dirty socks.

Marcus: I am not a bottom!! I am a switch, I'll have you know. 

Leo: Mhm~


Leo: I was waiting for you to realize I said that, and yes you do.

*Marcus tackles Leo, sending them both flying to the floor, and rustling around on the floor*

Marcus: *struggling* Take that b-back you jerk!!

Leo: *also struggling* N-never!!

*Marcus and Leo roll around on the grass until they both get too tired and just lie there, sitting on the grass, facing the sky, theres a moment of silence where they both stare to the sky, thinking.*

Marcus: Haha, that cloud looks like a d*ck

*Marcus leans his head sideways to look at Leo, grinning and laughing*

Leo: I- I guess it does.. haha..-

*Leo turns his face to be greeted by Marcus' adorable smile and he flushed up a bit, then he remembered why he was so eager to meet Marcus that day, he wanted to ask him about his sexuality*

Leo: Is it possible to be omni romantic and asexual?

Marcus: Yeah!! Totally. You can feel romantic attraction to everyone but you can have preferences but you don't think you ever wanna have sex, that's a valid feeling!!

Leo: I think I'm that then..- I'm Omni romantic with a preference to woman, though I'd definitely date a man if they where nice and stuff- I guess if I knew him well and he had the perfect personality to me!!

Marcus: *flushes* It's only once in a lifetime you meet someone like that!!

Leo: So I guess I better hold onto mine.

Marcus: You've already found the person who fits your description?! Woah, that's cool, do I know them, you sure are lucky!! May I know their name by any chance? Would that be okay..?

*Marcus feels a pang of jealousy, but doesn't know why. He's always been pretty oblivious, not as oblivious as Leo has been in most cases, but pretty oblivious, nonetheless.*

Leo: I think, but it would ruin everything if I told someone.

Marcus: Huh, okay, I guess I kinda think I understand- Maybe- I don't know- Whatever. I don't understand you at all. That is the truth!!

Leo: Thanks for being honest with me, man, I appreciate it. *laughs* 

Marcus: *laughs along with him, enjoying the moment*

*Leo looks over at Marcus, he liked enjoying their moments like each one was the last one. It always made the small things seem bigger and more special, in his opinion. It always seemed like the world only revolved around that one moment in that one specific chapter of his life. It was always about said moment. It didn't matter as if it was a small memory of Marcus grinning or if it was a moment in which Leo told Marcus he loved him and Marcus said it back... every moment was special. No matter the moment. They all had their own spark, that spark was Marcus, Marcus truly made everything special in Leo's mind.*

Leo: Hey Marcus?

Marcus: Yeah?

Leo: I love you, you know?

Marcus: Of course, I love you too. You're my best friend!!

Leo: Yes, and you are mine...

*Everything was special...*

To be Continued...


Thank you so much for coming so far!! ^w^

I'm happy you've enjoyed enough to make it this far :D

that actually makes me genuinely joyful considering this is the first book I have ever written that I've worked hard on. I literally am up at 3:07 AM right now, trying to get this book done by the end of the week, boy is it hard..-

See you next chapter if you want!! >:3 I'm not forcing you to read this!! 

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