A Date?!

14 0 3

[Setting: Leo's living room, a baby blue couch sits in the middle of 3 bookcases on 3 of the 4 walls, on the last one is a big TV and a jukebox. The bookcases have barely any books and have been collecting cobwebs and dust for years, now. Some cigarette holes where burnt into the sofa, leaving marks behind. A few springs where loose and the television was old and barely worked any more, it was a sad excuse for a home. Though it was better than Marcus' living statement!! That was a plus, Leo wasn't the proudest of this home, though he had learned to be grateful for what he had from when Marcus came over for the first time and was awed by everything in Leo's house, broken down or not-]

-Leo's text messages-

Marcus❤️: Hey-

Leo: Oh hey!!

Marcus❤️: Sorry I wasn't at school ):

Leo: It's not your fault I bet something came up that was important D:>
don't apologize!!

Marcus❤️: 🥰 I was kinda sick-

Leo: Oh no!! <:(
do you feel better now? . 0.

Marcus❤️: yeah! i do!!
How was school today
did I miss any homework?

Leo: Lucky for you, you didn't!!

Marcus❤️: yay!

Leo: Yey!!

Marcus❤️: Anygayssss-

Leo: Yeah..?

Marcus❤️: Hmm.. Idk-

Leo: Well if you don't know what to say-
And you don't have plans of course-
Would you like to go out to dinner?
Like together I mean-

Marcus❤️: I know what you mean
And ofc I would like to!
I'll start getting ready-

Leo: Oh- ok!! I'll bike over in about 30 minutes!

-Real Life-

*Leo got off the couch and jumped for joy, then he looked down and noticed that he was wearing pajamas. F*ck, this was the worst day to have a comfy cozy pajama day. He bounded up the stairs, he needed to get dressed FAST. This was the most important day of his life!!*

*Leo, in distress, called Ivy and Calypso and asked for advice on his garments. What would he even wear?! It had to look casual, but not too casual. He didn't wanna seem not excited or anything but at the same time he didn't wanna put pressure on Marcus' shoulders saying he should have dressed better or worse- Leo was torn on what to do- luckily, Calypso had some great fashion advice. Ivy was also there.*

*Leo ended picking a deep red shirt and a big black belt with black jeans. He hastily put on a black jacket and rushed himself out of the door. He hopped on his bike, it was black and it had flames hand painted on the bicycles wheels!!*

*Leo biked over to Marcus' house as fast as he could go, he wanted to make it on time or at least not too late- He pulled up to the apartment complex where Marcus lived and he could see Marcus' bike parked outside on the bicycle rack. It was light green with white hearts hand painted on the wheels. The memories of Marcus and Leo painting their bikes together flooded Leo's mind as he reminisced in the moment that seemed to have been only yesterday. In reality, it was about two years ago, before Leo had realized he'd liked Marcus back!*

*Leo snapped out of it when Marcus walked out of the apartment complex's rusty doors, he looked absolutely astonishing!! He was an oversized olive green hoodie with ripped dark blue jeans that had the cuffs rolled up at the bottom. His deep brown hair was practically gliding in the wind, it looked kinda bushy but it suited him. You could tell he had just given himself a haircut because some loose hairs where on his neck.*

Marcus: Hey, Leo!!

Leo: Hey, Marcus!! You look good, man. Nice jacket, I recognize it from somewhere..-

*The memories had a sudden appearance when Leo said that, it was his hoodie. Or, well- it used to be his hoodie- It seemed to be Marcus' now. He remembered around 4 years ago Marcus had come over and gotten really cold, Leo handed him his favorite hoodie, it was the same olive green one Marcus still wears.*

Leo: Hah- it used to be mine!!

Marcus: Yes, it did, didn't it? Whatever- it suits me better!! *wink*

*Leo flushed a bit at the wink but ignored it*

Leo: I- I- I can't fight with that you look hot in anything..-

Marcus: *really flushed* W-what?! N-no!! That isn't true!! It definitely looked wayyyyy better on you!!

Leo: I'm getting mixed feelings from this conversation-

*Marcus put his hands over his face, he was really embarrassed. Leo heard Marcus mumble the words 'Y-yeah.. s-same..-' under his breathe. Leo let out a small laugh and Marcus peered down on him through his fingers, still a bit flushed-*

Marcus: S-so, where are we going? I brought food-

*Marcus picked up a small picnic basket which he had put down earlier when he first came out of the apartment complex.*

*The boys hopped on their bikes and peddled up to the skate park where they sat on the mountain over looking the ocean and the ledge the skatepark was on. Marcus set down the food he had graciously made for this occasion. It was really good- Sandwiches and various sodas.*

Leo: Hey, Marcus?

Marcus: Y-yeah..?

Leo: ..have you ever thought about being in a relationship or something of the sort?-

Marcus: Yeah, I have a special person in mind for it, too. Been crushing on the guy for a while, now- waiting for him to realize, he's a dumb a$$. *laughs*

Leo: He sounds.. cool..-

Marcus: He's amazing, handsome, anything I could ever need- best part is he treats me so well, unlike my ex.

Leo: Yeah..- I hated Sydney- She was a b!tch-

Marcus: Figured out I was MLM because of her- *laughs*

Leo: Glad your new crush is so caring and such and he treats you nice..- Anyone's better than Sydney, I guess...

[Chapter 11 Complete]

Thank you for reading

It's almost over!! Congrats on getting this far into the book, that means truly so much to me that you're supporting me this way!! ^w^ <3

Thank you!!

You're so amazing and wonderful •^•


See you in the next chapter if you're up for it!!

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