The Plan

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[Setting: Outside of school, in the school yard. Ivy, Calypso, Marcus, and Leo are all standing together in the courtyard just talking.]

Calypso: Soooo...

Leo: Yeah?

Ivy: Come on, Calypso, say what we've all been waiting to hearrrr~


*Leo and Marcus flushed up and Leo made frantic excuses while Marcus stumbled to find the right words to say*

Marcus: I- I- N-No?!

Leo: I-It was a friend hanging out th-thingy, unless y-you don't want it to b-be a friend thingy, M-Marcus!!

Marcus: What do you mean by that?!

Leo: I- I don't know!!

Marcus: Sh!t, I need to get groceries!! See you guys later!!

*Marcus ran off to find his bike, Leo let out a sigh of relief. He didn't know what had even just happened, if he was being honest- he didn't know why he said that stuff- he knew now that Marcus had a new crush and that he definitely wasn't said crush. His crush was handsome and caring, he treated Marcus right. Marcus' crush was everything Leo was not and Leo never couldn't be. He wondered what Marcus' crush looked like- He was probably hot, too. Everything Leo wasn't.*

Ivy: Awww, did you see how red he got? He really does like you, Leo!!

Leo: He told me he has a crush..-

Calypso: ooh!! Spill~

Leo: I don't remember what it was. Only the basic jist of what this crush was like-

Ivy: Aannnddd?~

Leo: Caring, Handsome, treated Marcus right, he's probably hot, too. Maybe even someone we know, I really don't like or want to think about it.

Calypso: Awww

Ivy: You thinking what I'm thinking, Calypso?

Calypso: Leo, he's talking about you!!

Leo: What?! No, of course not, Marcus would never feel attracted to a big useless lump like me-

Calypso: Ok but- 1. You're not a big useless lump and 2. HE IS THOUGH!!

Ivy: Eeeek!! You're so lucky, Leo, you're gonna have a boyfriend~

Leo: Ok please never say 'Eek' again, you sound straight as h3ll and also I'm too weird and dumb for someone as great and phenomenal as him to have a crush on-

Ivy: Oops my bad, won't do it again, boss.

*Ivy made a mocking salute as a joke.*

Calypso: Also he has a crush on you no matter what you say, you clueless boy-

Leo: *groan*

Ivy: Oh come on, you know we're right!!

Leo: I actually know for a fact that you're very much wrong.

Calypso: You're so stubborn-

Leo: Thank you.

Ivy: We KNOW he likes you back, just ask him out already!!

Leo: I'm so scared of rejection, I can't do it- he needs to ask me out or something!!

Calypso: Why would someone with a crush on you reject you, idiot.

Leo: I don't feel like someone as great as Marcus could love me..- He has the most astonishing and alluring green eyes, like deep emeralds and if you look closely, they turn a little blue in the middle, like beautiful tide pools in the summer afternoon. That's why my favorite color is greenish blue. His hair that he dyed brown a few years ago is soft, and it looks like milk chocolate. I never liked milk chocolate until he dyed his hair that warm and adorable color. His body is cuddleable and cute. I have written poems about him. I have written STORIES. Sometimes, I stay up late at night, if not all night thinking about him. Yet I still haven't found one reason why I deserve him in any way!!

*Calypso gulped and them and Ivy exchanged glances. Leo heard Ivy mutter 'Damn, he's really in love with Marcus' and then he heard Calypso whisper back 'Kinda doubted it but I see it now, dear, they really are in love'*

Leo: Correction. I'm in love with Marcus. Marcus is in no way, shape, or form in love with me, he has a handsome, caring crush. None of which I am-

*Ivy stepped up closer to Leo, there noses almost touching, she looked kinda angry. Calypso watched interestingly, they looked intrigued to see what was about to happen- Ivy lifted her hand up and smacked Leo straight in the face-*

Leo: Ow!!

Ivy: Just stop being a damn nerd and admit he likes you back-

Calypso: T-That..-

*Ivy turned around to look at Calypso*

Calypso: THAT WAS HOT-




*There was five seconds pause and then Ivy and Leo start hyperventilating over Calypso's sudden outburst. Calypso covers her mouth and starts blushing wildly because of the wild embarrassment streaming across her face. They all seize laughing and Ivy checks her watch.*

Ivy: Damnit, Leo- we've been here for literally three hours talking about your love life issues- let's just make a plan and get you and Marcus dating, sounds good?

Calypso: Seems good to me, ok, you're going to go to his apartment complex tomorrow morning and then you shall ask him out!!

Leo: What?! I did NOT agree to this-

Ivy: Ask him out or I swear I will tell him the whole little speech you gave about him just five minutes ago-

Leo: H-hey!!

Calypso: I will accompany my amazing girlfriend to get you into a loving, caring relationship with Marcus, then you and him would be happy and we could finally stop discussing your relationship issues. You two need couple counseling, I swear-

Leo: Alright, guys!! I will, ok? Just leave me alone or something it's getting late.

Ivy: You're right, the sun has almost finished setting, hasn't it?

Calypso: The sunsets are beautiful, just like you, Ivy~

*Leo groaned*

Leo: You guys are too cute for me, I swear- You need to get me together with Marcus because right now I'm becoming a MAJOORRR third wheel-

Ivy: *laughs* We'll get you in a long lasting relationship with him soon enough, Lover boy, don't you fret.

Calypso: Though you fretting is pretty hilarious, not gonna lie-

Leo: *groan* I hate you guys-

Calypso and Ivy: Love you too~

Leo: *even louder groan*

[Chapter 12 Complete]

Thank you for staying so long ^3^

This means honestly so much to me

I hope you have time to finish the book!! >;D You're almost there, too!! Congratulations >:O


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