A School Day

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Marcus walked to school along side Leo for one of the first times in the whole school year, they usually met up at school, but this was nicer. He had someone to talk to!! Marcus skipped next to Leo, who walked with a cold stare.

Leo: So, are you excited for school today?

Marcus: Ugh, have I ever been before?

Leo: *laughs a bit*

Marcus: Never mind that, Mr. Ice, tell my why you always look so intimidating-

Leo: I can't control my natural body-

Marcus: You could at least try to NOT look like you wanna kill someone twenty four seven or something- You actually look like you're gonna go commit murder and then get away with it-

Leo: Should I take that as a compliment or not? I feel like from someone like you, you'd mean it as a compliment, but right now, I'm getting mixed signals-

Marcus: Haha!! You'll never know what I REALLY mean!!

Leo: *turns a bit red* You're so complicated..-

Marcus: That's what you llooooooove about me~ *giggles*

Leo: *flushed* Y-yeP!! *voice cracks*

Marcus: Awwwww, you're so cuuutttee~

Leo: Oh shush.

Marcus: Haha!!

Leo: *muttering* that's how you wanna play, huh?

Marcus: Wh-

*Before Marcus could finish his sentence, Leo cut him off but turning to him and picking him up bridal style. Then he started dipping him close to the ground and tossing him a bit in his arms so that he would glide a bit before being caught again, gracefully.*

Marcus: *super flushed* A-ay!! P-put me d-down, you big d-dummy!!

Leo: *laughing evilly* Never!!

Marcus: *dying of blush*

Leo: You're my prince, aren't you?

Marcus: Y'know we're approaching the school, right? You don't want everyone in school to see how gay you are, do you?

Leo: I- I still don't know if I'm actually part of the lgbta community but I see your point, even if I where, I'd wanna be closeted for a while, good job dodging the question, I guess.

*Leo puts Marcus down and they walk side by side until a big grayish white building is right around the corner, it's school. There's a big bell sound and the two boys look at each other, exchanging worried glances realizing they had five minutes to get to class before it started and they where not even on school grounds, anymore!!*

Leo: Sh**.

Marcus: F***

*Both boys start sprinting at the school, sweating with their mouths wide open, they get to school and Marcus gets to first period a minute early. He lets out a sigh of relief and then feels bad for Leo, who has PE first period and has to run to the back of the school.*

*Marcus walks up to his two best friends, Calypso and Ivy, who are gazing at each other and blushing a bit. It's been obvious that Calypso has always had a crush on Ivy, they've been fawning over her for a few years, now. Only recently has Ivy started to show signs of being interested in them, too.*

Marcus: Hey, lovebirds.

Calypso: *deep shade of red* M-Marcus!!

Ivy: *Flushed a bit and looking away, embarrassed* Why do you say that..?-

Marcus: You're obviously gawking at each other, just date already or something-

Ivy: I'm not opposed to the idea-

Calypso: WAIT WHAT?!- Are you joking..?

Ivy: Not really, at least, I don't think so-

*Calypso jumped onto Ivy pulling her into a big hug, you could tell tears of joy and happiness where forming in their eyes at that very second*

Calypso: You have no idea how long I've been waiting to hear that..-

Ivy:*flushed ball of red* Calypso, would you go out with me?!-

Calypso: Yes, Ivy I would love to, you're basically my dream girlfriend at this point and I never could have fathomed that my dreams would become reality so soon!!

Marcus: Am I a matchmaker now?

Ivy:*flips off Marcus*

Marcus: Damn, okay-

Calypso: *laughs* What do I call you?

Ivy: Anything but your boyfriend, what do I call you?

Calypso: Is partner okay? Or joyfriend? Lover?

Ivy: Let's go!! I have the most pretty partner in the world, my absolutely beautiful joyfriend!!

Calypso: And I'm dating my stunning girlfriend, this is a dream come true, I am absolutely astounded by how amazing this day is going so far!!

*At that moment, Mr. Lopez walked in, late to his own class, he looked tired, he was probably staying up late grading Spanish tests from last week. Oh Sh**, Marcus was going to get his back today-*

Mr. Lopez: Alright class, I'm going to call the student with the highest test score to come up and pass out the tests, the only student who got 100%!! Ivy, would you please pass out everyones tests?

Calypso: LET'S GO IVY!!


*Ivy walked up, embarrassed about her partner and best friend. She was flushing a bit the whole time she was passing out papers. People where staring at Calypso and Marcus, but they had no care in the world, absolutely carefree, embracing the moment.*

*Marcus looked down at his score, it was a B-. Whatever. Spanish was one of the classes he didn't really care about. He looked over to peer at Calypso's paper, who got a C and was looking a bit freaked out and ashamed of themself.*

Marcus:*whispering to Calypso* Maybe you need a little tutoring session with Ivyyy~

Calypso:*looks down, a little flushed* Maybe I will ask her for some tutoring..-

*Marcus laughs a bit and goes back to being his carefree self, he leans back in his chair and puts his arm behind his head, the rest of the periods go by fast minus lunch, Marcus was bullied again, being pushed to the ground and punched, but he was used to it, it was like any normal day in his brain.*

*Today, Leo was no where to be seen, for some reason, that made Marcus' heart ache, like he was incomplete or not whole without Leo nearby. It was a different feeling. Did it have to do with the day he felt flushed at the makeshift skate park? Was he catching feelings for his best friend..?- He'd meet him after school at the skate park, tonight, and he'd see.*

To be Continued...


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