Chapter 9: Contact 9

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 *Sorry for the delay everyone! There have been a few...very stupid things happening lately -_-, one of these things being that I'll be losing my high sucks but things happen...another being that i've had crazy writer's block! I'll think of something but as soon as I grab my laptop or a pencil an paper it disappears or I have no idea how to convey it! It's seriously been killing me but without further ado here's chapter 9(P.S. I'll be adding another chapter later on today or tomorrow)*

 James wrapped his arm around Venus’s waist and proceeded to gently dress her in one of his shirts. Her brown skin gleamed with spots of sweat. He had carried her up to his bedroom after she had fainted in his arms; that had been two days ago. She had slept through the night’s only to wake up with a fever. She had opened her eyes for only a moment before being pulled back into a fever drunken sleep.

 James gingerly laid her back down onto the bed. He watched her for a moment, her breath coming out in small labored puffs. Guilt and worry struck him as he realized that this was fault. If he had left her alone…If only he had let her be she wouldn’t be lying motionless and fever stricken. When he pictured her in his bed it was never like this. James stood and paced the wooden floor until dizziness began to gnaw at him. He stopped and sighed, his obsessing over her condition was not going to change it. He glanced at Venus’s sleeping form before hesitantly heading for the door. He had not eaten since the day before and he knew no matter how worried he was he could not starve himself.

 As he closed the door behind him he felt butterfly’s erupt in the pit of his stomach, he was reluctant to leave Venus behind but he pushed himself; urging his feet to take the necessary steps toward the kitchen.


 Mr. Williams slowly buttoned his shirt up and stood, stretching his tired limbs. His night had been filled with fulfillment. He smiled, satisfied, as he put his feet into his shoes. Yes, it had been a very fulfilling night, he thought to himself as he glanced at the sleeping woman. She had been an answer to his needs and he had happily used her; the stench of what had transpired between them wafting lazily through the air. He chuckled as he knew this particular field worker would be exceptionally sore today. As he walked towards the door he made sure to remember her face; he might just seek her out again.

 James froze at the sight of his father. His father had entered through the stable doors and was attempting to fix his clothing. For a moment James stood staring disbelievingly at the obviousness of what his father had been doing. Mr. Williams felt eyes on him; finally he looked up and met the eyes of his son. He stiffened. “Oh…-,” he cleared his throat, “Good mornin’ James.” James sent his father a look of pure disgust, distaste pouring off of him in silent menacing waves.

 Mr. Williams paused at the look James gave him, almost feeling guilty for his pleasures…almost. A smirk formed across his lips. In his mind he thought, ‘who was James to throw such prejudice?’

 “I haven’t seen Venus around…What has it been? A day? Two days?”

 James felt heat travel onto his neck and then his cheeks. He blushed at the seemingly simple question which insinuated so much. He realized that he was a hypocrite. How could he give such reprimendations when he was in turn doing the same thing as his father? He cleared his throat awkwardly, ashamed of the fact that he had so easily thrown out judgment. “Suddenly I don’t feel so well…I’m retiring for the day,” he stammered suspiciously before quickly taking the stairs two at a time.


 Venus swallowed, her throat dry. She struggled to open her eyes before they fluttered open. She attempted to sit up but she was much too weak to do so. Her mind whirled as she tried to make sense of her surroundings. Panic settled and mixed in with her jumbled delirium as she realized she did not know where she was. The room around her spun uncontrollably and she groaned. Suddenly she heard the click of the door handle as James swiftly entered the room. He raked his fingers through his hair before he slammed the door shut behind him. Venus’s body stiffened at his arrival. The sound of his heavy footsteps echoed within Venus’s head as he neared her. Her heart began to pound against her chest, adrenaline racing through her veins. Though she was too weak to run, she was not too weak to fight if need be.

 She heard metal clanking against the hardwood of the desk beside the bed and she closed her eyes. Silence ensued and this time she did not welcome it. No, she feared it for she could not escape its eerie calling. Then without warning she felt warmth against her forehead. She pleaded with herself to not stiffen, to not react.

 James gently felt her forehead. Her fever was still present but it was not nearly as bad as the day before. He brushed her hair from her face, running his thumb over her soft cheek. The simple action, the touching of her soft skin sent tingles of electricity through his arm and straight to his loins. He pulled his hand back as if burned. He shook away the thoughts that danced through his mind. He squeezed his hand, taking in a deep breath. His eyes shot to the washcloth sitting in the bowl of water he had brought for her.

 He groaned aloud, how was he going to endure cleaning her body when a simple touch of her cheek aroused him? He closed his eyes and prayed for a small ounce of strength as he reached for the buttons of the shirt Venus wore.

 Venus held her breath as she felt his hands undoing her clothing. She urged herself to stay calm, to stay unaffected. James would never take her while she lay unresponsive…would he?

 She shook away the thought. She had managed to stay still, faking absolute sickness until she felt the sting of cool water brush along her over heated skin.

 Her eyes popped open and met those of a surprised James. They stared at each other for a long while before Venus averted her eyes.

First Touch: She captivated him-A NOVELLADove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora