Epilogue: A New Contact

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                      February 14, 2015 at Timken Senior High school

“Could you guys be serious for one second?” Victory snapped irritably. She pulled her sweater tighter around her shoulders. She hated it when they were put into groups. She always seemed to become a group leader. It irked her nerves when no one listened to her. “If you guys don’t do the assignment the correct way we’ll all fail!” She screamed but again her group completely ignored her. They chatted on, gossiping about absolutely nothing.

She rolled her eyes, her irritation quickly settling into anger. “If you assholes don’t listen to me I’ll make sure you all fail this assignment!” Everyone stopped talking and stared at her. She smiled in triumph! Finally, some respect.

“Now as I wa-,” She was cut off by her teacher making an announcement. “Today we have a new student and I expect you all to treat him accordingly!”

All eyes were now facing the front of the classroom. Victory sighed, turning around to also face the board. Her eyes grew wide as she witnessed the boy standing in front of the board. He was tall with deep sea blue eyes. His blonde hair reminded her of pure gold.

“My name is Lincoln. Lincoln Williams.” And his voice…he was…yum.

Her teacher, Mr. Bruce, pointed to her group and told him to join us. He nodded. As he walked toward us his hair fell into his eyes and ran his fingers through his hair. Mr. Bruce looked in Victory’s direction. “Victory I’m looking to you to guide our new student. I want you to show him around today.”

Victory nodded, her eyes never leaving Lincoln’s. He stared at her, intently. She couldn’t find the strength to look away. Mr. Bruce cleared his throat catching both of their attention. “You can start the tour now.”

Victory felt heat rise into her brown cheeks. She grabbed her bag and mentioned for him to follow her out of the classroom. They walked in silence for a moment.

“What’s your name?” She paused, looking up at him. “Oh…my name? My name…-,” she couldn’t think with him looking at her like that. He smiled, a chuckle sounding on his lips. “Yes, your name darling. You’re…name.”

She giggled girlishly, “Sorry, I’m Victory. Victory Love Stuart.” He smiled, offering her his hand. “Well Victory, it’s nice to meet you.”

She hesitantly took his hand and they both gasped as an electrical tingle shot up their arms.


Lincoln stared at her. She looked so familiar. He knew he had meet her somewhere before. He just knew it. He let his eyes roam over her. He took in her features and god, she was beautiful. Her chocolate colored skin looked soft and was blemish free. Her eyes were round and doe shaped fanned by long lashes. Her eyes were so dark they seemed black. He could stare into them all day, they were so hypnotizing.

Her hair was a thick afro that covered her forehead and reached her shoulders. Even her voice was perfect.

But the electricity he felt when he touched her was what shocked him. “Have we met before?” He asked. Her eyes were wide as she stared up at him. “I…I don’t think…I don’t know.”

She tried to pull her hand out of his but he refused to let her hand go. He yanked her up against his chest, her bag hitting the tiled floor beneath their feet. She placed a hand against his chest and looked up at him with surprise.

“What are you doing?” She froze as he cupped her cheek with his hand. “Christ, you look so familiar…” His deep voice cascaded her in its melody.

As he stroked her cheek she felt the same unfamiliar electrical jolt. Where ever he touched left her wanting, warm. “Do you feel it? This…electricity between us?” She nodded.

They stared into each other’s eyes and suddenly they grew lost in the others depths. They could see their past, present and future reflected back at them. A past that separated them. A present that found them. And a future filled with never ending happiness together. It was overwhelming.

The bell rang and the hallway’s quickly filled, people walked past them and stared. Finding them peculiar. Two people standing in the middle of the hallway staring into each other’s eyes would be a peculiar scene wouldn’t it?

Victory hiccupped ever so slightly, resting her forehead on Lincoln’s chest. “Shhh, don’t cry, Victory.” He rubbed her back lovingly, her sobs hurting his heart. Her sobs quickly turned into full blown tears and he wrapped a hand into her hair. He tilted her head back and ran a thumb across her tear soaked cheek. He kissed her gently against her lips, “Don’t cry, love, I’m not letting you go this time.” She closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around his necks, accepting his kiss gratefully. She pulled back and laid her head against his shoulder, “Lincoln…” She whispered. “I love you too.”

Something inside him felt complete at those words. As if he had been waiting all of his life to hear her say them.

The End

*Hello my fellow readers! Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to read my story! This story is very dear to my heart, it's one of my best works and also one of my favorites! I truly hope you enjoyed it! I hope you'll continue to follow me, as I will be posting another story very soon.

Please leave a comment telling me how you feel. Feel free to like, comment and share. And stay tuned for more romance!

May you all find everlasting love!!!! Mwahh-love you all!*

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