Chapter 14: Contact 14

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James sat in his study and sighed, completely content.  He was still in a state of silent shock. His mind continuously wandered back to that of the night before. He couldn’t help but smile to himself as he realized that Venus had finally submitted to her feelings for him. He had finally won her over. His heart leapt at the thought and he sighed again in contentment. “Venus.” He called her name patiently, eager to hold her in his arms again. Eager to kiss her passionately.

A moment later she walked into his study, her large doe eyes meeting his head on. Again his heart leapt for this was the first time that she had actually met his eyes without him telling her to do so. He stood, the chairs legs scraping the floor noisily. We walked around his desk and stopped. He watched her silently for a moment and she did the same. Their eyes sparkled, eating each other up.

He smiled ever so slightly before opening his arms wide. Venus took a step towards him and his smile widened.

She smiled at his smile, running into his arms at full speed. He embraced her against his chest, inhaling her familiar scent. She wrapped her arms his waist, her face buried in his neck. She wanted to remember this moment. She wanted

Her mind was filled with her plan of escape. She could not think of her leaving as freedom because what is freedom without love?

 She felt an ache in her chest at the thought of a life without James but she knew that staying here would just prolong the danger surrounding her. She hugged him tighter, desperate to be closer to him while she still could.

He ran his fingers through her wooly hair, trailing searing kissing across her cheeks. He lifted her chin and gently pressed his lips against hers. His heart danced against his chest. He pulled back and met her large brown eyes. “How beautiful you are…” He ran a finger down her cheek stopping at her plump kiss swollen lips. He marveled at how swollen they were. He ran his thumb along them. He had kissed her more than he could these past few hours so there state should be no surprise. He realized that he liked them that way. Swollen from his advances. He leaned down and kissed her again, but with more passion, with an urgency that he never seemed to understand. She accepted it with her own passion, with her own sense of yearning.

He pulled back kissing her gently on her cheek. “Venus, I lo-,” a sudden knock on the door ruined the moment. He sighed, suddenly irritated. He kissed her against her cheek one last time before stepping back.

She looked up at him with utter disappointment. “Go answer the door, darling.” She nodded and turned to do just that.

Holly took a deep breath. She suppressed a devious smile as she realized that today was the day she would finally be rid of Venus.

She knocked on the door again, patience was not a trait that Holly possessed. The door clicked as it opened, its hinges crying. Holly felt her heart slap against her chest.

Venus stepped back allowing her entrance. Holly sneered at her, ready to be rid of her presence. She wanted James for herself and she was not one to share things that were hers. Or things that would be hers.

Her new earrings hid behind her long chest nut colored hair. Her plan was solid. She walked past Venus and headed straight towards James’s study.

She knocked on the door gently and called out, “James are you in?” She opened the door and found him sitting at his desk. He smiled upon her entrance and she returned his smile with one of her own. She walked further into the room, taking a seat across from him. God, he was handsome. And he would be hers soon enough. “I merely came to invite you to lunch tomorrow. My father would love it if you and Mr. Williams attend. He loves to dabble in the current education system and politics.” Holly stated matter-of-factly.

James smiled at the invitation, “That sounds like a wonderful idea. I’ll ask my father and I’m sure he’ll agree.”
Holly nodded before swiftly pushing a lock of her hair from her face, revealing one of her ears. Her earring gleamed against the light and caught James’ eye.

“Your earrings are lovely.” He said. Holly giggled. “Oh, thank you! I was hoping you would notice them, my mother bought them for me just yesterday. They’re darling aren’t they?”

“They must have cost a fortune! But they are beautiful.” She smiled at the compliment. “Oh, they weren’t very expensive. I must be going, I promised a friend of mine that I would stop by.” She stood and headed for the door. James stood, “Wait, I’ll have Venus escort you.”

Holly feigned surprise at his offer. “Oh no need. I can-,” He raised a hand to silence her. “It’s fine.” He called Venus into the room and told her what he wanted of her. Venus nodded her understanding as she turned towards the door. Holly quickly set her plan into motion. She moved in Venus’s path, purposely knocking her. They both fell onto the floor.

James ran in their direction to help them up. “Are you alright?” He asked as he grabbed Holly’s hand, pulling her up. Holly’s hair cascaded over her face and with her free hand she quickly unhooked one of her earrings, depositing it into Venus’s pocket. As James help her up she made sure to keep her ears covered.

“I’m fine! Don’t worry.” James sighed in relief, “I’ll escort you to the door.”

Venus kept her eyes to the ground after fiasco, she felt slightly embarrassed.

She quickly stepped out of the way a James walked Holly out of the door.

First Touch: She captivated him-A NOVELLATempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang