Chapter 11: Contact 11

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 week had passed and it had been filled with constant worry for James. Venus had suffered fever after fever until finally she awoke to the sound of bird chirping outside the window. Sunlight floated into the room and she blinked back its harshness. It took her eyes a moment to adjust to the light as she had been surrounded in darkness for the past few days. She gently pulled herself up and surveyed her surroundings. Her eyes grew wide as she realized that she was still in James’s room. At the thought of him she looked wildly around the room, trying to find traces of him. When she found none she sighed in relief before stretching out her stiff muscles.

As she attempted to do the same for her legs she froze at the outline of a body beside her. She stared in silent shock at a sleeping James. He was nestled tightly along her body. His arm thrown over her waist. He was so close she was surprised that she was just now noticing him. She could feel the heat radiating off of his body. His long eyelashes fluttered along his slightly flushed cheeks. Stubble adorned his face, giving him a chiseled appearance.

She stared at him…mesmerized. Utterly and completely amazed at this man’s beauty. For once it was not fear she felt coursing through her veins but…desire? She wasn’t sure what it was she felt at that moment.

She gently caressed his face, finding the contrast between the softness of his skin and the roughness of his stubble erotic. Heat traveled through her fingers and onto others regions of her body.

James stirred and he groaned. His legs ached from constant pacing. He stretched ever so slightly before looking up. His eyes roamed over Venus’s body before landing on her face. He was surprised to see her awake but his surprise quickly turned into concern. He sat up abruptly and felt her forehead. He was relieved to find her fever completely gone. He smiled at her then, showing her his white teeth. Her breath caught at the sight of his smile.

She stared at him, her eyes never wavering from his ocean blue depths. “Your fevers gone. How do you feel? Are you warm?” He asked in a rush. She shook her head no. For the first time in her life she felt grateful to a white man. He had taken care of her. He showed concern for her. It was truly mind blowing to her. She never knew a white man could show true compassion.

He leaned toward her, feeling her cheeks with the palm of his hands. “Are you sure you don’t feel warm?” She nodded, her eyes dropping to his lips for a mere second. Her lips parted instinctively.

James watched her, her brown eyes held him hostage for what felt like an eternity. His eyes shifted to her lips and when they parted he did not hesitate to take what she offered. He pulled her against him and kissed her. It was a passionate kiss. It was a slow, simmering, soul hugging kiss. He groaned against her soft lips before climbing on top of her. He kissed her like a starved man. And she accepted it, she enjoyed it. She wrapped her arms around his waist.

He savored every moment of their shared passion. She tasted of cinnamon and honey. “You are the exquisite thing I’ve ever tasted.” He whispered huskily against her lips before devouring them again. This was the first time she had ever shown him such affection, such passion. This was the first time she had not cowered at his touch. Happiness mixed in with his desire.

He could take the torture no longer! He pulled away from her, tearing his shirt off. She gasped as he reached for the shirt she wore. He ripped the buttons off in his haste. Her senses came back for a moment and just as she was about to protest he kissed her again. Her complaints died on his lips as they indulged in one another. His hands roamed the most intimate part of her body and she moaned against his lips.

Her willingness was all it took to throw him over the edge. He pushed into her, filling her to the hilt. “James.” She murmured helplessly before they both rode wave after wave of pleasure together.


Holly screamed out orders to the house slaves. Her anger was getting the best of her. “Find it! Find it now, dammit!” She stormed through her home, pulling open every jewelry box she found. “Ma’am we can’t find them. We don’ looked ever’ were, honest.” She turned a sour look onto the house slave.

Her eyes shooting daggers at the girl. “I don’t care how many times you looked for them! Look again! If they’re not found…,” she left the rest to the girl’s imagination as she hurried off to continue to look for the item. Holly was so angry that she could spit! She pulled at her hair in frustration. “Where is it!” she screamed once more as she headed for another room.

Her mother attempted to soothe her. “I’m sure it’s somewhere in plain sight. Darling, maybe you should just take a break? Huh? Leave it to the girls to find them…-,” the look Holly sent her shut her up. “Those earrings were brand new! If they aren’t found then that means that one of them stole them! I want them…found.” Holly’s brain began to buzz with an idea.

Stolen earrings? She smiled deviously…She turned to her mother. “Mother, maybe you’re right. I think a break sounds wonderful actually. Let us go shopping. I need new jewelry. Don’t you agree?”

First Touch: She captivated him-A NOVELLAWhere stories live. Discover now