Chapter 13: Contact 13

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Venus laid down on her pallet. She was tired, exhausted even. She and James had come to a silent agreement of some sort. One moment he was screaming at her angrily, the next he was throwing things and then she was in his arms. This was a routine that she was becoming more and more accustomed to, a routine that she secretly anticipated every day. His kisses left her feeling weak and his touch burned her skin in the most sensual way.

She could not help but smile as she drifted off into an exhausted slumber…THUMP! THUMP!

Her eyes popped open and she sat up, her heart pounding against her chest. She heard footsteps growing closer and closer to her room and her fear began to disappear. She pulled her blankets from her legs and stood. A smile slowly forming on her lips as she anticipated James arrival.

Her door opened slowly, creaking creepily. “James?” Her smile disappeared completely as she recognized the man who stood in her doorway. She stood frozen as Mr. Williams sneered at her. Lust burned in blue eyes, eyes that resembled those of James. She swallowed the lump she felt forming in her throat. He closed the door with care as he burned holes in her night gown with his lecherous eyes. He took a step toward her and she took a step back.

He growled, “I told you I would have you.” He began to unbutton the navy jacket he wore as he neared her. She balled her hands into fist. The thought of his hands on her body sending a shiver down her spine. He lunged toward her and she anticipated his move and ducked, crawling between his legs and sprinting for the door. Her hand brushed the door handle and for a moment she felt a spark of hope but suddenly she was pinned against the floor. Mr. Williams’ body smothering her as his hands traveled the length of her body.

Every place he touched her sent a chill down her spine. He trailed wet sloppy kisses across her cheek. The scent of him had bile forming and protesting in the pit of her stomach. “Good girl, just be still.” He whispered against her lips. She began to flail, surprising him. He winced at her blows, but refused to release her. He managed to pin her down again. Before she could she react she felt him position himself at her entrance. Pain tore through and tears sprang to her eyes. He grunted as he thrust. She gasped back a sob her anger suddenly giving her strength. She began to squirm uncontrollably underneath him, catching him completely off guard. He released her hands and she punched him, her closed fist connecting with his jaw. He fell onto his back in complete shock. She took that moment to move her weak legs across the room. She pulled the door open and ran, leaving a shocked and extremely angry Mr. Williams behind in her haste.


James awoke to warm hands caressing his chest and the sound of silent sobs. He sat up, resting on his elbows. It took his eyes a moment to adjust to the darkness that surrounded him. Venus sucked in a sob and threw herself at him, wrapping her arms around his waist. She rested her wet cheek against his bare chest and took deep ragged breaths. Surprise came but was quickly replaced by absolute concern, the sound of her tears making his heart ache. He wrapped his arms around her trembling body.

He did not know what to do. She had never come to him before. She had never truly showed any emotion other than fear toward him. “Shhh…Don’t cry.”

Venus had no idea why she was nestled in the arms of her assailants son. She had thought about running into the woods, she had thought about running until her legs could no longer carry until she could no longer feel her legs. But the thought of never seeing James again had broken her heart. Though she hated to admit that she felt anything for a man except animosity she could no longer deny that this man, this white man, had won her heart.

He had played her heart strings like that of a skilled musician. And she had fallen right into the trap of his affection. But no matter how much she cared for him, she knew that she could not here. As long as Mr. Williams desired her she knew he would make her life a living hell. She sniffled, a tear rolling down her cheek and onto James’ chest.

She had decided that tonight she would be true to her heart. Tonight she would indulge in the man who held her affections. Tonight she would say her silent good-byes to James and tomorrow she would run; uncaring of the consequences of her future plans she would forget for now.

“James….” She whispered in her southern accent. He needed no more invitation. His lips smashed possessively against hers masking her sobs. Their tongues played a game of tag, teasing and seeking the other. A moan echoed throughout the darkness of the bedroom but neither Venus nor James paid mind to it.

James explored her body, his intimate knowledge of her sensitivity leaving her breathless. She met his eyes and stared into their blue depths. She reached out a hand, touching his cheek tenderly. “I’m…so-ena…ena-mored of you. I’m a slave to…the-emo…tions you evoke-in me.” She choked on the words he had said to her just days before.

James searched her brown eyes, his heart pounding against his chest. A feeling so foreign to him coursing through his veins. He wanted to ravish her. He wanted to lock her in his arms and never let her go.

He flipped her onto her back before gently rolling on top of her. He positioned himself between her legs. “No, I’m the slave. You own my heart.”

She gasped as he drove home, proving to her just how much of a slave he was to her.

*Soooooo.....How's the story? Is it to everyone's liking? The end is coming soon my fellow readers! I hope you're ready for a few surprises. Like, comment and share! I'll be updating again soon(I've been on a roll lately!)*

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