Chapter 10: Contact 10

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James felt relief wash over him. He was happy to see that she was recovering. Venus’s large brown doe eyes met James’s ocean blue orbs and he felt a tremor of desire rocket through him. He didn’t know what it was about her; she made him insatiable! James stared at her, unable to control his roaming eyes as it dawned on him that she was lying in his bed. The shirt he had dressed her naked, sweat soaked body in which was now open to reveal her breast. He swallowed the lump forming in his throat. He reached for her unknowingly and she stiffened, her eyes shifting to his hands as they neared her.

He balled his hands into tight fist as he stood, jumping away from the bed. As he began to pace he heard her sigh. He glanced back at her and gritted his teeth. He saw the relief evident on her face and suddenly he felt irritated. He squeezed his fist tighter, the wash cloth in his hand pulling him out of his confused emotions. He cleared his throat, gaining her attention.

She watched him as he stood across the room. She was very wary of him as she knew she was in his domain. She could not hide in an environment that she was not familiar with for she had only been allowed in the kitchen area. She bit her bottom lip, trying to think of some kind of plan. “How do you feel?”

Venus met his eyes but she stayed silent. James raked his fingers through his hair angrily. “Don’t act as if you can’t speak! I asked how you felt.” His voice was laced in frustration. Venus stayed silent.

James felt his anger reach a new high and he found himself across the room gripping her shoulders. He shook her roughly, slamming her against the bed, stealing her breath. He kissed her then, not caring about her sickness or her moment of shock. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and ravished her in his affection. She didn’t fight…she laid limp in his arms as he kissed her. She was quite simply too tired of resisting his lust driven aspirations. So she let him kiss her and she let his hands roam her body. What would be the point of denying him? He knew where she slept. He knew where she ate. He owned her.

James pulled away from her…He had expected her to fight him, to resist, to at least show some sign of his kissing her having an effect on her. She looked up at him, a look of pure defeat on her beautiful face. He felt something in him twist. He sighed, standing up and walking across the room to retrieve her dress. “Get dressed and get out.”


Holly stretched, the morning light dancing through her room. She yawned as she smooth her hair down. She pulled her blankets off and practically jumped out of bed. She intended to pay James a visit. She felt as if she hadn’t seen him in forever though it had only been a matter of days. She had spent the last few days shopping, she thought enhancing her wardrobe would gains her James’ affection.

She knew no man could resist her beauty. And a new gown and new jewelry would be sure to bring out her beauty all the more. With that thought in mind she smiled confidently as she called her maid in to help her dress.


Venus struggled down the stairs as she stopped to take a breath. She felt so warm. The stairs beneath her feet seemed to grow longer and wider. She took a step but dizziness hit her and she paused, nearly falling down the remaining steps. She wrapped her arms around herself suddenly feeling hot all over her body. Her own skin felt warm to her touch. She fell to her knees.

She refused to call for help, no, she would rather crawl down the stairs then call James. That’s exactly what she did.

She reached the bottom of the steps before collapsing.

James paced his bedroom…again. He stopped and raked his fingers through his hair…again. He cursed violently as he felt his heart thumping against his chest. Worry ate at him, churning his insides. He hadn’t been thinking…his anger had consumed him and he had thrown her out. He knew that she was in no condition to be moving, let alone climbing down the staircase. Suddenly something inside him screamed, “Go after her!” He raked his fingers through his hair one last time before almost tearing his door down.

He ran down the stairs, taking two at a time until he reached the bottom. He froze at the sight before him. He felt his heart drop, sinking heavily to the pit of his stomach. “Venus? Venus!” He grabbed her, hugging her in his arms. Her body was beyond the point of a mere fever. She was hot to the touch. Sweat formed and spread on all parts of her body. She opened her eyes for only a moment before closing them again. “James…no.” She whispered hoarsely.

He stood up, carrying her gently in his arms. He planted a soft kiss against her forehead; whispering words of sorry and comfort.

But little did he know that his simple actions, his simple display of comfort was being viewed.


A knock sounded at the door and Mr. Williams glanced up from reading his newspaper. He took one more swig of his whiskey before standing up and heading towards the door. He waved his hand dismissively at the girl headed towards the door and she nodded at his gesture, leaving the door to him. He pulled the door open and smiled.

Holly smiled at Mr. Williams, her pearly white teeth sparkling. “Hello, Mr. Williams.” She said girlishly as he ushered her in. He closed the door quietly behind him as he let his eyes roam lecherously over her young body. He could not deny that the girl was quite simply beautiful. There was something so devious about her looks…there was something about her eyes that gave a man pause. He walked towards her, ushering her toward the parlor room. She took his arm in her hand. “How are you Mr. Williams? I’m afraid I have to apologize to you! Whenever I’m over I always seem to ignore you and for that I apologize.” She said sincerely.

He shrugged at the girl, patting her soft hand with exaggerated affection. “It’s perfectly okay, you’re forgiven. Besides I’m proud to know my son is in contact with a beauty like you.” She giggled, overly, girlishly. “Oh now I see where James gets his charm.”

He chuckled at her remark. As they drew near to the parlor room, Mr. Williams realized her hand. “I’ll go and get some refreshments. I’ll have someone fetch James for you in a moment.” She smiled at him as he walked out of the parlor, leaving her to herself.

She sighed as she took a seat glancing down at her nails. She checked every one of them before smoothing down her hair. She walked toward the mirror that sat on the walk and looked herself over. She smiled once she found no fault in her appearance. Just as she was about to have a seat she heard loud noise. Her curiosity got the better of her and she quickly exited the parlor. She froze, rage exploding through her system.

Before her was a scene that was becoming too familiar to her liking. Venus, once again, laid in the arms of her James. In the mist of her the way she was; she had transformed into the green eyed monster. She ground her teeth together as James carried the girl in his arms up the stairs. She had had enough! She refused to be the second place holder of ANYONES attention! Especially someone she already claimed as hers! She gathered her dress in her hands and charged towards the front door.

It was time she got rid of Venus.

First Touch: She captivated him-A NOVELLAWhere stories live. Discover now