chapter 2-contact 2

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It had been two weeks since he had returned home. He enjoyed the time in which he spent with his father and had been undoubtedly pleased when he had been visited by his child hood friends. But yet no matter how much pleasure and attention he gave to other things only one person remained on his mind. He signed in frustration. He felt on edge and he knew he was soon to become very irritable. He sat up in his chair and stretched. He needed some fresh air. As he stood he grabbed his journal. He had become accustomed to writing his thoughts in it.

He stepped through the parlor doors and bumped into Venus. She squealed as she felt herself fall backward. He wrapped his arms around her in one swift movement. She clung to him in a brief moment of relief. As he held her close, he inhaled her scent. She smelled of cinnamon and wood. Her breathing became uneven as she realized that she was trapped in the hold of his arms. She mumbled a breathy, “Thank you," before trying to push him away. Her attempt to push him away was useless. She felt weak, powerless, against him. He hugged her right against his chest and she gasped for air.

He ran his nose across her cheek before trailing passion filed kisses onto her mouth. She struggled, turning her head away from his advances. “No, please!" She pushed, again, at his chest only to receive no response. He grabbed her by the back of her neck and pulled her up against him; he smashed their lips together, silencing her cries. Their teeth knocked against each other and she tasted blood, but she wasn't sure if it was hers or his.

His hands roamed her body freely and panic set in. She struggled harder, punching his chest with all the strength she could muster.

Suddenly the sounds of a stage coach pulled him out of his lust induced trance. He stepped away from Venus and raked his fingers through his hair. “'re like my own personal brand of opium!" He shouted between gritted teeth. He let his eyes roam over her and almost cursed himself for being so affected by her. Her lip was bleeding and her plaid dress was disheveled. He sighed as he saw the frightened look on her face. Her whiskey colored eyes had grown large as she clutched her hands tightly together.

He had never lost control over a simple touch before. A knock on the door took his attention. He sighed before quickly fixing his shirt. He walked toward the door and opened it. He raked his hands through his hair in a frustrated fashion. As he opened the door Holly smiled upon him but her smile seemed to quickly fade as she finally got a good look at his appearance. She noticed that his shirt wasn't neatly tucked in like usual and his lips had a red smudge on them.

James cleared his throat as if he could read her mind. “Holly, I wasn't expecting you. I was just about to go out for a bit." She nodded and her smile returned, just as bright as it had been only moments before.

She clapped her hands together with a sudden burst of joy. “Oh, I have the loveliest idea!" She said in her southern accent. “Why don't I accompany you? I wouldn't want you to feel lonely! Besides I came over here to invite you to this darling party my folks are throwing and I just knew you'd want to come! I'm sure it's stuffy in that study of yours on the account that you're always in there! Just the other day my daddy asked how you were and I told him about your obsession with writing and even he thought it was unhealthy!"

As she rambled on and on James' mind wondered, he found himself so full of lust that he wouldn't mind slamming the door in Holly McClendon's well polished face and finishing what had been interrupted by her appearance.

His eyes ached with the need to glance behind him to see if Venus still stood in the spot he had left her in but he willed himself to focus on Holly. It was purely improper to desire after a slave in such a way. He again raked his fingers through his hair before glancing down at Holly, who to his surprise still seemed to be talking.

He interrupted her, “Holly! I understand, I'll gladly come to your party and I'll try to come out more instead of always staying in my...What did you call it...stuffy study."  She smiled widely, “Oh, that's wonderful! The party is tomorrow at around six, oh but you're welcome to come over earlier! I'm sure I've talked your ear off, I'm going to go now, I have a gown to pick up! Good bye James." She turned on her held and retreated back to her coach, happiness radiating from every step she took toward it.

As the coach rode away James sighed. He closed the door and leaned against it, his head was suddenly pounding. He turned around and not much to his surprise Venus had fled. James cursed. He raked his fingers through his hair again.

He shook his head in denial. He refused to admit that he felt anything for...her. She was nothing more than his possession.

What he was felling was merely lust. Not just any lust but years of repressed need that he hadn't realized that he had bottled up inside.

He groaned in frustration. She shouldn't be on his mind. The only woman he should be focused on is Holly. Her image played out in his mind but he couldn't help but cringe. James raked his fingers through his hair again, noticing that it was becoming a habit. He turned on his heel and opened the door roughly deciding to take a swim to cool his head.

Venus ran as soon as James's back was turned. He had done it again. He had kissed her. But it had been different this time, he had been rough. She wrapped her arms around herself protectively and quickly darted into the kitchen. She felt immediate relief as she noticed Cook moving around the large room. Her voice quivered ever so slightly as she made her presence known. “Co...Cook". She whispered meekly as if afraid to make her voice audible. Cook turned around slowly her old bones cracking ever so slightly. She cast her eyes over Venus and smiled but that smile quickly faded as she saw the blood staining Venus's lip. She quickly wiped her wrinkled hands on her apron and beckoned Venus over to her. “Chil' what happened to ya'?"

Venus felt tears sting the back of her eyes but she did not cry. Instead she fell into Cook's embrace. For a while she had In her life she had gone through nothing but hardship. She had been separated from her parents years ago; she still remembered the sound of her mother's soft voice and the feel of her father's calloused hands as he held her after a long days work.
But all of her memories seemed like a blur. Like a vivid dream that sat at the center of all the things she wanted, craved, desired but would never be hers. When she had met Mr. Williams for the first time and he had glared down upon her and yelled at her with authority. He had never been kind to her, never spoken to her softly or giving her the slightest bit of respect. but James, she thought, was different. He had smiled at her. His blue eyes have shown a kindness that she had never before seen a white man. He had given her an illusion of safety, she had thought she could finally catch her breath. Cook pulled away knocking her out of her thoughtful daze. Cook gently raised her chin and gazed intently at her split lip. “That look like a deep cut, girl. Come on let Cook fix you up." Venus nodded appreciatively as Cook grabbed a wet cloth and placed it on her lip. Venus winced turning her head away from Cook's advances.

“Ow! No, it burns." She drawled breathlessly. Cook shook her head and applied the cloth again. “You gotta be strong, chil'."
Venus met the eyes of Cook's. “In a couple a days it will be all healed."
Venus nodded and squeezed her eyes shut trying to ignore the pain. Moments later Venus smiled at Cook thanking her before slowly making her way toward the parlor. She timidly looked into the room and relief washed over her as she realized that it was empty. She pushed back her hair and walked into the room.
“It's about time I finally caught you alone." Venus froze.

Mr. Williams weakly stood up holding onto his chair for support. He, like always, smelt of liquor and sweat. As he approached her she swallowed, her mouth suddenly dry. He stood merely inches away from her, swaying ever so slightly with a glossy look in his eyes. He slowly raised his arm and wiped a dry saliva that sat at the corner of his mouth. His uneven gaze met hers, “You think...You think you have me fooled, girl? Huh? Well, I ain't no fool! I'll have you whether you're mine or not!"

*Cliff hanger! I couldn't help myself XD! What will happen next? I bet you can't guess!*

First Touch: She captivated him-A NOVELLAWhere stories live. Discover now