Chapter 16: Contact 16

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James turned, his eyes landing on his father. Shock and betrayal written all over his face. “It’s not your decision to ma-,” Mr. Williams cut him off. “It is my decision. She’s my slave. I gave her to you in words only.”

Mr. McClendon pounced on the admission. “Well, then let’s get a move on! I will have this nigga punished! Now!” James racked his hands through his hair, pulling at it as he tried to think of something, anything to stop this from happening. He bit his lip for a moment, to the point of making it bleed.

“Isn’t there another way to punish her?” He was desperate to save her from her fate. But his question, his opinion went unheard as they dragged Venus’s unconscious body across the field to the whipping pole.

He ran after them, stopping in front of them. Mr. McClendon frowned. “What kind of game are you playing at? Get out of the way!”

He shook his head. “No, I won’t let her be whipped! You’ve shot her in the leg, isn’t that punishment enough?” He was shouting but he didn’t care. Venus had wormed her way into his mind, into his thoughts, into his heart and forever into his soul. He cared for her.

God, he LOVED her! The truth slamming into him at that very moment. He loved her…That simple truth only made his resolve all the more powerful. He stood his ground in front of the men, a look of stubbornness settled across his features. Mr. Williams cleared his throat, “Forgive my son, he’s just like his mother, you see. She was overly kind to the slaves and he’s inherited her ways.”

Mr. Williams glared at James, silently telling him to step down. James’s blue eyes sparkled dangerously. “I won’t let you whip her to death!” Mr. Williams cursed violently before turning back towards Mr. McClendon, “I apologize, he had taken a…liking to the girl. She has managed to bewitch him in the short time that he had encountered her.” Mr. McClendon growled angrily, “I don’t care if the devil himself bewitched your boy, the only thing I care about is the punishment of this here nigga!”

Mr. Williams sighed. He was ready for this to be over already. He didn’t care if they shot the girl or if they hanged the girl. Hell, he wanted her gone! She had slipped through his fingers enough times for him to develop a frustration unlike any other.

He, of course, translated that frustration into anger, into hate. He turned towards James and did the only thing he could think of: he grabbed him by the arm and twisted it, pinning James down.

Mr. McClendon sighed, “I’ll have one of my boys hold him down, and you’re much too old to contain a youth.” He nodded and one of the big white men grabbed James, twisting both of his arms painfully. The treatment did not stop him from fighting.

They dragged Venus’s body to the pole and tightly bound her wrists to the pole with rope. They ripped her dress from her body, leaving her naked.

Holly gasped, “Father, I think I’ll take my leave now.” She turned to leave but her father grabbed her hand, stopping her. “No, you’ll watch. I want you to know what happens to niggas who break the law! I want you to know what happens to niggas who are ungrateful! Begin!”

Holly shook her head, “No, I don’t want t-,” Her words were lost as the first crack of the whip slashed along Venus’s back, pulling her out of her unconscious state. The crack of the whip grew louder and louder at every slash. Blood mingled along Venus’s brown skin.

Her screams ignited the howls of the dogs and blended in with the crying of the whip.

Minutes passed, it felt as if hours had flown by. Holly felt tears form and pour from her eyes at the scene before her. What had she done?

James had stopped struggling minutes ago. Tears now stained his cheeks. The whipping had lasted longer than he thought capable. He had expected McClendon’s other hench man to grow tired but that had only been a wish of his. Venus had stopped screaming, she had stopped moving. She hadn’t made a sound in the last five minutes. Something deep inside him had died at the very moment her cries had stopped.

The final crack of the whip left him breathless as he was released. He hit the ground beneath him hard before he stood on weak legs. Mr. McClendon smiled smugly, calling his hench-men to his side as they walked away from their actions; Mr. Williams trailing behind them.

James walked towards Venus’s still frame, quickly pulling the rope loose. She fell to the ground and he fell to his knees scooping her up. He held her close, tears falling from his eyes. “Venus?” He ran his fingers through her hair and hugged her lifeless body against his chest. Her blood stained his clothing but in that moment he didn’t care.

He ached to see her whiskey colored eyes gazing upon him. He longed to hear her voice, her soft sweet voice saying something, anything. He yearned to feel warmed flowing through her skin. He shook her, cradled her face in his hands, “Venus? Venus! God, speak to me! Please!” He cried rugged tears against her cheeks, “I love you…,” he whispered against her cheeks.

Holly stood frozen in her spot. Tears spilling from her eyes. She had never seen such a terrible thing before in her life. Guilt sat on her shoulders. Guilt weighed in her heart. She took a hesitant step towards James.

She sobbed, “I’m so sorry…I’m sorry.” Her pleas mixed into the night air, dancing along the wind along with James’s lost love.

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