The End

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Y/n pov

My eyes open, I'm somewhere else. This isn't a classroom, it's just a bedroom. I take in the details, there's a queen sized bed with a thick blanket and pillows that look so soft. The window beside it let in barely enough light, and a closet next to a desk with an expensive looking computer on it. But in front of me was a man, who is he? Why am I here?

???: How was it?

Y/n: How was what?

???: That life you just lived up to this point, before you woke up

Y/n: It was...

???: Don't worry, your face says it all. You must have questions

Y/n: Where am I? Who are you?

???: Where you are, well you're in my room. Who I am, I'm the guy who wrote your life. Well, the one you just lived at least

Y/n: made me?

???: I made your character. But who you are really is up to the person who reads it

Y/n: What?

???: I'm what you call an Author. One of the many creators of the lives you live

Y/n: ...Lives I live?

Author sighed, but held the smile on his face nonetheless. But I needed to understand, if I was in the book then why am I here? Does that mean...

Y/n: If I was living the life you gave me then why did you take me out?

Author: Because...I was stuck

Y/n: "Stuck"?

Author: A "writers block" they call it. It's when writers loose some creativity for the story and just take a pause. But that's not entirely true in my case

Y/n: Then what happened?

Author: I went to far, there's no saving your world, your life

Y/n: Then let me save the people!

Author: Then what? 78% of the human population is already dead in the story. What am I going to do? Open the door to Eden's Garden and all of you live happily ever after there? Or you let Death have 1 minute of total control and put the entire universe at risk. Those are the options I've been left with

He really is stuck

Y/n: So what happens now?

Author: I've already started on a reboot of your life as an Ajin. But I've gotten stuck there as well

Y/n: I mean, this stuff happens right?

Author: Writer's block? Yeah it happens, some cases it lasts for a few days. Sometimes even years from what I've seen

I nodded, somewhat understanding his meaning. But my eyes caught something behind him in his monitor

Y/n: What are those?

Author turned around, and I could see his mouth twitch up a bit

Author: Stories, different lives you could live

I looked into the screen, seeing different types of stories that weren't published yet

Y/n: Why didn't you post these ones?

Author: Because, I thought that if I did then I felt that I was going to abandon the story so many of you love. You want me to continue, but the truth about this? You write something for so long, you just don't know how to write it anymore

Y/n: ...Do it

Author: What?

Y/n: Post these, give me...give us, another story, another life to live

Author: But the others-

Y/n: You said you don't know how to write them anymore, then write something new. Give us a story you know is worth reading

He looked conflicted, unsure of himself, of the choice he had to make

Y/n: And when you know what to write for those other stories, we'll be there. Besides, writer's block isn't forever right?

Author's eyes widened before a chuckle escaped his lips, followed by a smile

Author: Alright...which of these sound appealing to you?

He gestured toward the monitor. I looked into the screen and saw a few tittles

My Baby Sister Is A What?

Survival Of The Fittest

You What Me To What?

War Of The Worlds

I thought hard about it, but then realized...

Y/n: Surprise me

Author: You sure?

Y/n: Yeah, I'm sure

Author: Ok then

He looked at his screen and selected one of them with his mouse. He then turned to me with a small smile on his face

Y/n: So, what now?

Author: You read, and let the world build around you

Y/n: Ok then...

I smiled, a tingling sensation stirred in my body. I was excited. I peered into the screen, I saw the tittle and I felt my smile getting wider

Y/n: Time for something new

It's Not A Semblance (Male Ajin Reader x RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now