Chapter 36: First Impressions

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2 Years Ago

Artemis pov

I arrived at an apartment building with the boy I had encountered earlier. I do not trust him, but if he was able to match a god in combat he would make a good ally against our fight against the Horsemen and the Guardians

Y/n: And we're here

He unlocked the door and opened it. The apartment was very clean and neatly organized, for a male at least. There was couch in the living room with a T.V. A kitchen that seemed too advanced for an apartment, and there were three doors, I would assume one was for the bathroom and the other two for bedrooms. The windows let in sunlight that illuminated the room to such light that it seemed like it was from a movie

Y/n: Hmm, Connor and Owen aren't here. Anyway, make yourself at home

Artemis: *Thoughts* Owen? There's one more boy? He didn't tell me that!

The male began putting away the groceries he bought earlier. He so calm and collected in the present situation at hand, hell he isn't even sweating at my presence! If he knows who I am then he should be running, yet, here he is just putting groceries away and talking to me like I'm a normal person

He then started washing dishes, acting like this is a normal day for him. He must have something up his sleeve. He invited me to his home, a stranger, a Goddess none the less! He must have a plan or an evil agenda, he must have!

I slammed my fist on the counter. I wanted answers, and he's going to give them to me!

Artemis: What are you planning!

He turned to me, eyebrow raised in confusion

Y/n: What do you mean?

Artemis: Don't lie to me! You invited me, a Goddess, into your home. You know who I am! You know exactly who you invited into your home! I want to know why boy! What do you have planned!

He sighed and turned off the faucet. I glared at him, waiting for a response

Y/n: Well, if I didn't then you'd be homeless and alone

Artemis: Bullshit! Tell me the truth BOY!!!

Then, I felt it. I don't know what it was but it was different, and darker from anything I've ever sensed before

Y/n: I understand your suspicions Lady Artemis. If you let me explain, I invited you solely on the intention to give you a place to sleep than that if a street of forest filled with creatures you don't fully understand and have never faced before

I narrowed my eyes at his response. I didn't want to admit it but he was right. This was my first time in this realm and I have no idea what dangers could await me

Y/n: I know your hatred for my gender. Hell, I can basically feel it burning my skin. But at the same time you know I'm right

His eyes then met mine, and the aura around him got softer, more kinder. I felt my heart beat faster and faster, but why? Don't tell me I'm...

Y/n: If you want to leave you can, door is right there. But if you stay, then I promise you'll be safe. Plus, at least you'll have at someone you know to help you in this world

My eyes widened, here I am, a man hating goddess being offered help from a male who I just barely met and wanted to kill the moment I met him. Yet, he offers me help regardless...


I decided to accept his offer, he could still prove a valuable asset on my search of the Horseman. Considering he lives in the realm of their home, he may likely know the whereabouts of our enemies. Once he reveals them to me, I'll dispose of him

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