Chapter 8: Delay

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This chapter is only going to be in Cayde and Grey's pov

3rd pov


Cayde and Grey took cover behind a wall as a missle flew past them and into the food stand across from them. Cayde fired an arrow at a sign barley hanging by one cable. The arrow cut the cable and the sign fell on the soldiers that were firing at them, crushing them

Cayde and Grey took the chance to make a run for the Bullhead ships until 3 more soldiers shot at them. Grey stopped, turned around, nocked 3 arrows and shot the 3

Cayde: GREY MOVE!!!

Grey looked to his side and an explosion blasted him back. But then everything pauses as he is being blasted back in midair

Grey: Yep, that's me. I bet you're wondering how I got into this situation

30 minutes ago

Grey pov

Grey: *Thoughts* Shit, this is bad

Cayde: *Whispering* Grey, got any ideas?

I didn't answer him, as I was in the process of thinking of a plan, but now I have to keep them distracted

Grey: What do you want?!

???: ...Do you know who-

Grey: I know who you are, The White Viper, 2nd most dangerous assassin in Remnant. But that's not what I asked, what do you want?

Viper: I see, you know your people boy. As to why I'm here, let's just say that your mother has put a price on your head, 5,000 lien

Grey: No

Viper: No?

Grey: No...You're not doing this for the money, are you. You're an assassin, you get paid to kill people for money, but the price on my head is lower than what you get paid

Viper: And what is it that you think I want?

Grey: Reputation

Viper: Hmm, you can read people very well boy. Well, you are right, this is for reputation. I should be the best assassin there is, but sadly I hold 2nd place. But if I kill you, then I will hold 1st place, but this will be my only chance before someone else takes it

Grey: What's so special about me? I'm a Branwen, raised to be a bandit, I'm worth nothing

Viper: Hehe, no boy, you are much more than that

I was confused but also nervous, does she know what we are?

Viper: Tell much do you know about your father

Grey: What about my father? Mom told me he ran out on mom and I when I was born

Viper: Well, looks like your mother hasn't been completely honest with you

Grey: What...

Viper: Hehe, no matter, you'll be too dead to know anyw-

Then she let out a cry of pain and staggered back. I was confused until I saw a small knife in her shoulder and Cayde with his arm out

Grey: *Thoughts* Where the hell did he keep a knife?

Cayde then dropped something on the ground, it was a small pellet, then smoke started to come out of it, engulfing the both of us

Cayde: Let's go!

We ran to the station, when we got out of the smoke I saw Viper pulling out the knife. When she did I punched her just as she turned to us. We both got on the motorcycle and drove off to the station

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