Chapter 7: Meetings

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Y/n pov

Y/n: *Thoughts* A Banshee? At this time? This isn't normal

The Banshee screamed and the sound waves were more than enough to blast away the pile of Grimm bodies and push Connor back. I stuck my Kukri on the ground to prevent myself to be blasted away

When she finished screaming I saw Connor about to charge at the Banshee. I stopped him from doing so

Y/n: Take a break, you need it

Connor: Alright then

Connor sat down on fallen rubble and watched. I turned to look at the Banshee and saw that she was going to scream again. Acting quick I pulled out my gun and shot her in the throat. She reeled back and held her throat, she tried screaming again but nothing came out. Unfortunately it takes more than a bullet in the throat to kill her. But now, she looked pissed

She ran at me trying to scratch me with her long ass sharp nails. I dodged each swipe she made, in retaliation I spun around her while cutting her legs, then cut across her stomach, making her fall and hold her stomach in pain. She tried to stab me with her nails but I sidestepped to the left, switching into a back hand grip, and stabbing her hand into the ground

She tried to swipe at my legs but I brought my foot up to avoid the swipe and brought it down on her hand, crushing everybone in it. I brought my gun to her head to finish the job

Then I heard the sound of something in the bushes, and out came 2 more Banshees, and judging from the looks on their faces, they were not happy with the position their friend was in

Y/n: *Thoughts* They look mad


Y/n: *Thoughts* Now they're pissed

Before they could scream I grabbed my Kukri and ran at them. When one of them were about to scream I threw the Kukri at her throat horizontally, cutting her head off. I reached my hand out a bit and pulled back, making the Kukri return back to me

Y/n: *Thoughts* Oum this magnetic upgrade is amazing

The final Banshee was about to scream at me but I dropped kicked her onto the ground. Falling backwards I used my hand to maneuver myself back up on my feet. I spun around and saw her running back into the forest

Y/n: *Thoughts* If there are more then she will try to signal them, and 3 Banshees are annoying enough

Seeing as she was out of range of my pistol I pulled out my bow grip and formed my bow

Beacon Academy

3rd pov

As all the students saw Y/n pull out his bow they started questioning it

Student: Hey, you think he's going to hit her?

Student 2: Maybe, but there a low chance that he would, you know how thick the forest is

Yang: Why doesn't he use the gun?

Weiss: There's no way he can hit her, the forest is too thick and she's probably already too far gone

Ruby: *Thoughts* Ooohhh, that bow is sooo cooool!

Blake: Interesting

While in the library, Shay was looking at his scroll in disbelief and shock

Shay: No way, that bow...

Then all the students saw as Y/n pulled back his vow string and saw the arrow form, causing some students to admire the weapon and one red themed girl to squeal in excitement

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