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Y/n Kangif you keep this up, you're going to have a whole army of cats by the end of this book

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Y/n Kang
if you keep this up, you're going to have a whole army of cats by the end of this book... just saying


"Seo Jiwoo!!" The teacher (whom I still have no name for) screamed, waking up Jiwoo, and also half of the class from their slumber.

"Get up, now!!" He exclaimed, once again, causing you to look over to the said boy on your left. "I wasn't going to say anything because you're normally not like this... but you've been sleeping through class two days in a row!" the teacher confronted.

"Is the class over?" was the only reaction the teacher got from Jiwoo.

"Huh? Yeah... it just ended." The teacher said, caught off guard with Jiwoo's question.

The moment he said that, you stood up, grabbed your bag and began leaving the classroom, not even giving a glance to anyone.

"Jiwoo. Is something wrong? If so you shoul- Hey! Where do you think you're going?!" The teacher said, pivoting his attention from Jiwoo, now to you, who was halfway out the door.

You showed him the screen of your phone, saying "Class is over, no?" then leaving a speechless and agaped teacher behind you.

"Ah... okay. The class is over. Sir, I've got to go!" Jiwoo, who was not paying attention to whatever the teacher said, bolted up and dashed through the door not letting anything stop him from leaving.


"Y/n! Wait for me!" Jiwoo caught your attention the moment he saw you ahead of him. He continued running in your direction. For what reason was he running for?

'He really shouldn't be running in the halls. Or-' Your thoughts were cut short as you avoided from bumping straight into a wild Jiwoo, only for him to clash against someone else.

'that...could happen' you finished your thought as you grimaced and cringed at what happened in front of you. 'What is this? A romance anime? Nah,'

"You all right? So-"

You took a few steps, stopping next to Jiwoo and pressing the Text-to-Speech button.

Bowing down while simultaneously pushing Jiwoo's head down as well, the automated voice from your phone apologised on behalf.

"I apologise on his behalf. Jiwoo was not paying attention to his surroundings, do forgive him," The monotonous automated voice said. (Mhm, thats some good youtube apology right there...)

Unlike what you expected, you did not get a reaction at all. All the ravennette male did was walk past the two of you, ignoring the apology, as if nothing happened.

"He didn't say anything. Isn't he the guy who transferred to our class last month...?" Jiwoo questioned, to which you shrugged and walked ahead of Jiwoo. You never payed attention.

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