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「 Y/n Kang 」be prepared

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Y/n Kang
be prepared.


No one likes to lose. Neither do people like cliffhangers. So ending the spar with a draw, is like reading a book, but the last chapter has been completely ripped out, leaving you hanging of what could have been. It leaves an uncomfortable feeling to settle within someone. That someone, being Jisuk.

Despite his injuries and possibly near death experience, he was not satisfied with a draw. And neither was his opponent. But this was not a battle to death, hence both were reluctantly dragged off the arena.

The next, and last, spar shall begin.

"So! Here finally comes the heroine!" Subin hummed a tune to herself as she giggled and confidently made her way into the arena.

On the other hand, the spar was not your current interest, as your feet had a mind of their own. You quietly walked towards the other students, stopping in front of Jisuk.

Without verbal command, you pressed a hand on his arm, and a soft glow as the healing process began. Energy replenished, and feeling more refreshed than before, Jisuk remained quiet as he allowed you to do whatever you please.

"You... are you feeling okay?" He hesitantly asked, unsure of how you would reply. Things will never beenthe same, though he wished it was.

He wishes to hear your voice, but he only receives a nod in response. He tried again.

"you know, i kind of missed this..." was what he said. And you replied by asking if you had done this multiple times.

'i'm sorry, all i do is lie to you'

"Mhm... what are you doing with the instructors and not with us?" 

And off to the side, was Sucheon, wishing you'd both stop flirting with each other, shivering in disgust.

"Ah! I am tasked to be the healer for this sparring match." Well at least he was getting somewhere.Progress, Jisuk called it.

Not that you were paying much attention to the match, but it was clear that the opponent this time, Duke Grahine or something was not so easy to beat. Things were too quick for the human eye to catch, does this Duke or whatever his name is... possibly has the same power as Jiwoo? 

Next thing you knew,

"Subin! If that's all you got then just give up and come down!" Jisuk exclaimed, waving a white towel over his head. This was clearly payback for before. 

You mentally facepalmed. "...you seem fine now. I have nothing to heal anymore, so I'll go back."

That sure riled up subin, and she froze the floor, the air.

"snow..." you reached your hand out to catch some of them.

"be careful, this isn't snow...the ice can cut you if you aren't careful," Mr. Park warned.

Intruiging, truly.

This time, you could catch every move they made. And for some odd reason, this Duke seemed angered. That gut feeling in you told you to stay away from him. His actions soon got more and more inhumane, any more and he might put subin's life to an end.  

She was getting obliberated, it reminded you of yourself, though with little similarity. And as if you were brought back in time,Jiwoo managed to swoop in and save Subin, before Duke actually manages to k!II her.

"Mr. Park..." you said, alert. 


With permission given, you rushed to their side , taking Subin out of Jiwoo's arms to heal her wounds. For someone who has no memories with these people, you sure were quick to be by their side to heal them.

At the end of the day, no one could deny that as of that day, the Korean Awakened Academy had won.

However, let's not ignore Jiwoo's upcoming spar with Duke to makeup for interrupting an ongoing spar.


It was no surprise to you, that news has spread that Jiwoo had won his spar, good for him. You did not manage to be there with the abundance of injured students that were in need of healing. And if you recalled, it was about time the world Awakened Academy returned to where they came from.

Just your luck, that on a quiet day on your peaceful stroll, an uninvited guest had joined you on your stroll. You hoped they would go away.

"We saw and recognise your abilities as a healer, why don't you join us at the World Awakened Academy. You'll have more opportunities to grow stronger if you transfer–"

"Not interested." You cut her off, walking away unsuccessfully.

"Won't you at least help heal our students, you see... we camer here without a healer." the professor tried again.

A frown grew on your face. Gosh were these people annoying.

"It is not my fault you came here unprepared. I am told to heal students Of our academy, last I checked, you and your students do not belong here."

Hopefully, your message was delivered clearly.


That very night, it is discovered that Y/n Kang is missing again from her room. Some became afraid. What if the past repeats itself? The academy went up in chaos. And it isn't the first time they never noticed anything about the girl.

"I'm not surprised you lot didn't notice she's gone, much less her silent cries for help." a certain someone commented, his arms folded as he leaned against the door frame of his room.

It annoyed Jisuk and Subin, why was someone like him getting into other people's business? "What are you implying?!"

But sucheon was right. "Take it however you like," was all he said, before throwing the trash and walking out of the suffocating hallways.

As chaotic the academy got, the very person they were searching all over for was quietly sitting outside on her own, just silent and thinking about the recent things that happen. 

You no longer fit in, no longer feel the spark of life nor feel wanted...and the pressure of everyone wanting you to be who you used to be. The bench creeked, someone sat next to you. It was sucheon, but he didn't say anything, and neither did you.

"do i know you?–"

"shut up."

"oh okay."

He stared at the horizon, you stared at the moon. Two people in each others company, both having a weight on their shoulders.

"Don't bother with what everyone else says. Do what you want."

But before you could even think of replying or asking what he meant, the boy was no longer there. Instead, there sat a water bottle and a packet of crackers sat in his place where his presence used to be.

You picked it up, looking at it as a soft yet noticable smile grew on your face.

"Thank you...Sucheon," You quietly muttered, as if talking to the moon that was staring back at you with curiosity and pity.

Right...do what you feel like doing. Like what you feel is best. Whatever you want.


a/n : second last, before we depart.


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