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Y/n Kangwe need to get you a newpersonality, yours is expired

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Y/n Kang
we need to get you a new
personality, yours is expired.


After an hour or so watching the game of cat and mouse starring Subin and Jisuk, you were getting tired of this endless children's play.

"Jisuk Yoo! Consider yourself lucky. If it wasn't for Mr. Park, I would've killed you already." Subin yelled, pointing at the said boy.

"That's bullsh!t. You're the lucky one," Jisuk teased, emphasising the "You're". The said boy grinned as if he had won a Grammy award.

"Shut up! And you!" Subin turned, now pointing to Wooin, who slightly flinched in surprise.

"I'll talk to you later!" She said, huffing, then turning the other direction to stomp her way back.

"Bye! :D" Jiwoo swung his arms around enthusiastically, waving Subin off. Right behind him, was you, physically facepalming at Jiwoo's over friendliness... if that was even a thing.


"So that was what happened earlier? Man, you have weird friends," Hyun nonchalantly said as he sat across of you, toying with his food.

'Tch, at least I have friends'

You simply dismissed the insult he had just gave, but instead your eyes kept wandering back to Hyun's plate.

'if you're not going to eat it, you could have given it to me...' you thought, eyeing his food.

"Oi! You're eyeing my food down again aren't you! Stop that you pig!" You oh so beloved brother flicked your forehead, causing you to jerk back in response.

Looking over at the culprit, you glared straight into his eyes.

'you're lucky i'm in the process of recovery. If I weren't, you would've been dead by now...'

"Ya! You're cursing me in your head right now aren't you?!" The elder wrapped his arms around you, in a headlock, messing up your hair in the process.

You returned the favor by bringing your unoccupied hand up to Hyun's head, tugging on that bird's nest he calls his hair. "Ack-! You brat!" Hyun winced in pain, not before he irked at your actions.

This went on for a long time, before deciding to call it even. The both of you headed to your separate rooms, not bothering to utter a single word to each other.

The moment your body hit the mattress, your alarm clock rang... such luck you had there.

'... ah I'll just sleep in class'

You reluctantly got up from your mattress, and trudged to the bathroom to get ready for another boring day at school, and by that I meant another amazing nap in class.

The whole house was silent. You walked out of your house and headed for Jiwoo's like usual. You turned off all the lighrs and appliances, assuming Hyun had already left for work and locked the door behind you.

While dragging your feet to Jiwoo's place, you had unintentionally bumped into Wooin, who was apparently heading the same way.

The both of you walked side by side... in awkward silence. Well, it was silent until,

"Does it still hurt?" The boy ended the torturous awkwardness as he looked at you. You looked back at the boy as he waited for an answer.

'it doesn't hurt, but I still can't use my voice yet... and I don't have a phone anymore,' you mentally answered.

You shook your head, this was the only way of communicating at the moment. It would have to do for now.

"I'm sorry... About your phone I mean. I didn't pr- You again?" Wooin cut the apology off as he noticed a familiar face up front.

'Oh? She's here again...quite the persistent one isn't she' you looked in the direction where Wooin was looking at, recognising the two people in front of you to be Jiwoo and Subin.

"Oh, there was no need to call you here." Subin said, turning her head around.

"Are you threatening Jiwoo because you have business with me?" Wooin inquired. It really did seem that way.

"Threaten... Well, I did threaten him."

"I told you yesterday, if you have business with me, talk to me. Why are you here?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I just wanted to see for myself...Whether you're worth it for Mr. Park to break the Union's rule."

The atmosphere was getting uncomfortable, especially for a peaceful morning walk to school. You and Jiwoo watched in silence as the two bickered.

'I don't like where this is going...'

"Oh, keep in mind...don't try to get out of this. If yoy do, it'll be your friends' turn." She warned, looking over at both you and Jiwoo.

The atmosphere tensed, as the aura of both the two people increased gradually. 'uh oh... Mr. Park is not going to like this...'

"Wait!" Jiwoo screamed as you grabbed a hold onto Wooin's sleeve.

"Awakened ones shouldn't fight on the streets. Subin, your grandfather is the Union's president. Shouldn't you be more careful?" Jiwoo said.

'he speak truth'

Well, since it seems that things were going back to control, you decided that you would walk a little ahead of them. You didn't want to be late for school again, did you? Plus, they were right behind you... What could go wrong? Everything was under control anyway.

That statement was false.

What was supposed to be a dismissal of the problem, turned out to be adding fuel to the fire.


Hey! Today's chapter is a little short I'm sorry but I've been a little busy this week.
I'll try to slot in some time to publish new chapters so hang on yeah?


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