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「 Y/n Kang 」in a selfish world, the selfish succeed

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Y/n Kang
in a selfish world, the selfish succeed.


Before, you wondered what the outside world feels like, for you had been longingly staring out the window of the plainly decorated hospital room, bored of constantly being woken up to the blindly white lights, and the sickening blue walls. 

A lot of effort was put in.

On one condition, and that being the device being on you 24/7, you were allowed to be out and about with the supervision of the Union. Hence why Seongha Park being your personal chauffuer, bodyguard and basically the only person you see on a daily basis.

One problem, there is always an awkward silence between the two of you. The man was naturally a quiet person, while you on the other hand, was educated enough to know not to speak unless to activate your awakened power.

However, with the bracelet on you, it was simply locking your ability away, and hence why you were allowed to reply with short sentences when spoken to. But... you were just socially awkward around anyone.

It was frustrating. Seeing the people who were your "friends", and any other person who knew you from before the incident, try their best to bring your memories back. But as always, to no avail, you'd always reply with,

"I don't remember, I'm sorry."

That may have brought down their moods after a whole day spent at places where you might find familiar, but funnily enough, these people simply did not know how to give up. What strange people they are.

You didn't get it.


Once again, the drive back to the hospital was more so quiet, the radio playing in the background as some sort of white noise.

But this time, your confusion got to the best of you. "Why does everyone try so hard?" you sighed, resting your cheek on the palm of your hands as you leaned closer to the window rather than looking over at the man for an answer. You really weren't looking for an answer.

And Seongha doesn't plan on giving you an answer. Rather, his question was more than expected. "Don't you want your memories back?"

'to be completely honest, no.

"I don't know," you shortly replied plainly. "whatever i did in the past, certainly hurt many people, I can see it in the eyes."

After all, you lost our memories, not your ability to read a room. The way people would look at me with a certain look. Pity? Fear? Hurt? "maybe it would be btter to leave the past behind,"

Silenc fell upon the both of you, and it stayed that way for the rest of your way back. 


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