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Y/n Kangyou mean so much to me, so much more than words could express

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Y/n Kang
you mean so much to me, so
much more than words
could express.


After a little while, Jisuk had left saying that something urgent had came up and he had to leave to settle it.

Though your words had made Jiwoo feel a little better, it still did not affect Jiwoo's uncertain thoughts.

Wooin left a little after Jisuk did, and now, it just leaves you. You didn't want to leave just yet, wanting to make sure Jiwoo was feeling okay again by the time you leave. And so, you stayed, remembering to update Hyun every once in a while.

You and Kayden watched as Jiwoo lied down on the sofa, staring blankly at the ceiling. Sighing, you shifted closer to where the boy was, propping your head on the couch, using your arm as a pillow, eyes still on Jiwoo.

"Jiwoo." you whispered unconsciously, maybe it was your lack of sleep taking a toll on you.

"Hm..?" The boy hummed in reply, seemingly still lost in thought.

"Thank you," you sighed. Your tone, getting softer and softer each second.

Confused, Jiwoo turned his head to look at you, only to find that gentle expression. A soft smile as your eyes fought against the urge of sleep.

"You're my first friend, you mean a lot to me... i don't like sad Jiwoo. Happy Jiwoo is better... I think Jiwoo is worthy to go to the academy. Hm...yes, Jiwoo is worthy... of many hugs.. aaanndd more hugs.... aaanndd cats..." What was supposed to be a cheer up speech turned into a rambling session of incoherent words as you gave in to the sweet temptation of slumber.

The boy was surprised, shocked, flabbergasted... you know what I mean. That was the most you had verbally said anything, and those words? Were all for him. He felt a little better, repeating those same words you had just said to him in his mind.

Jiwoo looked back up at the ceiling in silence, his mind blank again except for the words that kept repeating in his head... All the while you had fallen asleep next to him.

You slept like a log, unknown to the fact that someone else had came over to help cheer Jiwoo up. And that someone?

Was Jisuk.


The next thing you knew, you were being shaken awake, hurrying you to wake up. What time was it? Had you fallen asleep for that long? Groggily, you sat up, your eyes squinting at the brightness of the room.

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