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Y/n Kangwhat's 420+411?

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Y/n Kang
what's 420+411?


"AYO! GUESS WHAT?" Hyun slammed your bedroom door open, making you halt what you were originally doing.

'What does it take for someone to knock before entering a room?'

"I don't know, you finally got a girlfriend after getting rejected consecutively 23 times?" You gave him a stare, as if you were asking him sarcastically, rolling your eyes. After practicing like how Kayden had taught you for a week, you were slowly gaining control of your powers.

Though you still couldn't utter more than 5 words, it was still an achievement. This time you were able to use your powers for a longer duration and not pass out...yet.

"Hey! Don't give me that stare- Anyways on to my point. I FINALLY GOT A JOB!" Hyun yelled as he hugged your sweaty body swinging the both of you from left to right.

Though it felt uncomfortable, you patted his back, telling him he did a great job, and to congratulate him.

After a few seconds, you pushed Hyun off with all your might and pushed him out of the door, slamming it in his face. Hyun scratched the back of his neck as he sheepishly looked away.

"What has gotten into her? I thought she would be more happier if I told her I got a permanent job...Oh well," Hyun skipped away to get food for himself.

You sighed as you looked down on the yoga mat next to your bed. '30 more sit-ups and I'm done for today'

Ever since you got back from that fight with Jisuk, you thought back about how Jiwoo was the one always fighting while you were always the one watching in the background as you cowered in fear.

You disliked that idea of being afraid, especially when your friend was facing any obstacle he encountered head on. You disliked that part of you. Jealous of Jiwoo and how he faced his problems although he might be frightened, you worked hard to become stronger. Physically and mentally.

You needed some time alone to upgrade yourself before you could face Jiwoo again. 'I'll get stronger, then we can fight side by side together'

That was your motivation from now on. So far, Jiwoo was way ahead of you in terms of strength. After finishing the last of the sit-ups, you remained on the floor.

You closed your eyes as you tried controlling the energy that was running through your veins, small maroon sparks with a hint of blue flying around you. Feeling the energy run from your heart up your chest, to your arms, down your body and down to your toes.

On the other side of the neighbourhood, Jiwoo was also doing the same thing. Well, he was more of trying not to fall asleep while Kayden was supervising him.

Unbeknownst to you, Hyun had knocked on the door a moment ago to ask if you wanted dinner. When you didn't  respond, he slightly opened your door, peeking in thinking you had already went to sleep. What he saw made him proud. You were keen in improving and it made him smile.

Slowly, he closed the door keeping a mental note not to disrupt your so called meditation. The sparks he saw surrounding you were pretty, though he couldn't really understand why there was a hint of electric blue mixed in as well. But that was a question to be answered later.

You felt as stagnant as the water in the flower pot right outside the house. Right now, your priority was to improve yourself so you wouldn't have the choice to cower in fear in encountering a problem.

'I'll get stronger, I promise you that'


Whenever you reached school, you couldn't help but ponder where the boy who usually sat next to you was. He hadn't been coming to school for the past few days and he was missing on a lot of important lessons. You've been collecting his worksheets and writing down notes for the boy so you could pass it to him, either when he gets back or when you visit.

'Did he break his leg again? No... that would've been healed in a day or two' You tried searching for a reason as to why Jiwoo was not coming to school lately.

The teacher had been asking you where Jiwoo was everytime he had the chance to. I mean man, you need to take a chill pill.

'How do you expect me to answer that if even I don't know why?'


When school had finally ended, you took your phone out and texted your brother, informing him that you were going to Jiwoo's to pass him his notes and schoolwork that he was probably not even going to touch.

"Oh Y/n! What are you doing here?" Jiwoo asked as he opened the door, only to get papers shoved in his face.

"Huh? Oh... you came to give me the notes for the past gew lessons? Thanks! I owe you a bunch," Jiwoo exclaimed as he took the stack in his hands and walked in to put it elsewhere, leaving the door wide open.

You stood outside, waiting for him to come back to close the door. He didn't.

"Oi kid! What are you doing standing there like an idiot? Come back here and train! I'm sure you have been skipping, so you need to train twice as hard as last time!" Kayden scolded as he approached your still figure outside Jiwoo's door.

What you didn't expect was staying there till late at night because Kayden thought you skipped on training and commanded you train extra hard here so he could ensure you weren't slacking, not that you were in the first place.

And what he didn't expect, was for you to easily finish those 200 push-ups in a mere span of 3 hours. Not only that, he also didn't expect for you to control your powers as well and if not even better than Jiwoo. Though, he pondered over the small blue static in the maroon sparks but came to a simple conclusion. You had unknowingly mixed both his method with your own.

Did you know that? No, you were completely clueless. Kayden cackled, thinking you became so strong only because he was the Great Kayden. He was proud of himself. And maybe proud of you as well, but will he admit it? Of course not. It's a secret between Kayden, you and me.

Both his students had became stronger. Well it was because the mentor was the greatest awakened one out there.

You improved, and you knew.
Right, this was your journey.



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