3 - Chris

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His room was nice, at least. That was one thing he could count as a positive in all of this.

His bed was big and comfortable. It was swathed in thick blankets and knitted quilts, and a ridiculous amount of fluffy pillows were stacked against the headboard. There was a small circular balcony that overlooked the forest that was North of the city. Finally, the best part, there was a tub in the corner of his room.

The candles had already been lit when he had been shown to it by a servant, and the place had a cozy, comfortable feel to it.

That servant, Maxil, had assigned them separate rooms, and individual servants had led them all to their rooms. But the moment the servant had left Chris and he had been alone, he had moved to the door that led to the balcony. He had pushed through it and out onto the small, circular platform.

The wind whipped by his face in sharp gusts. He was a long way up, but he leaned down on the stone railing and looked out over the forests and ponds and hills of this place, of Sesstria. In the distance, a little bit to the east, there was something poking out of the top of the forest. A building of some kind, an ancient looking castle. It wasn't as big as the palace in the town, but it was substantial.

He still couldn't quite believe it. Where the fuck had he ended up? But it was undeniable now. No matter how much he wanted to believe that he was the victim of some practical joke or that he was dreaming, it was impossible to discount what his eyes were seeing.

The castle, the city, the weird animals, and the odd trees. There was no other explanation for it except that it was all true. And now, as he looked at the huge crystal in the distance, the Goddess they called it, it only further confirmed his worst fears. He had never seen anything like it. A giant, fucking crystal. Ragged and edged, surrounded by trees that looked minuscule by comparison.

The four of them were stuck in another world. Chris was stuck in another world.

But why? Why had the crystal chosen them? They were nothing. Two college football players, an accountant, and a construction worker. What could they give? What could they do to save Sesstria?

Not that he gave a shit about Sesstria in the first place. He really didn't. He would've blown up the whole fucking planet if that meant he could see his mom and Cloe again.

The memory of those two, even though he had just seen them a day ago, brought tears to his eyes. If he had known that that Friday was going to be the last time he would see them for a while, he would have said so much. And Cassandra too, he had gone out for a nice dinner with her the day before, celebrating their third year anniversary. He would have told her how much he loved her, how much he cherished her, how much she meant to him.

He would have said so much, if only he had known.

He wiped the tears away, rubbed his eyes, and moved back into his room. It was surreal. Like living in a fairytale.

He pulled open a large wardrobe in the corner of the room. It revealed a row of suits and shirts, a stack shorts and pants. The socks and underwear were in the drawers below.

Did they even know his size? Chris jumped out of his swimsuit and tried something on, a plain, woolen shirt with a pair of pants. He glanced at himself in the mirror. It all seemed to fit rather nicely, maybe a little snug. That Maxil guy had seemed pretty high strung, maybe he had gotten these ready based on a guess?

The sun fell lower and lower, finally dipping below the horizon. Chris spent the time on his bed, looking up, sometimes crying and sometimes reading the giant map that had been painted on the ceiling

He could see where he was. Sesstria was in the middle of the world, on a central continent with only one other country, Boletara. There was a place called Paxta in the South, and then a few other smaller countries in the North. He almost didn't believe it. It felt like he was looking at a fantasy map that some nerdy kid had drawn up in a creative writing class.

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