70 - Breck

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Breck sighed, relieved.

Just like Adam had said, Vinton, Chris, and Mark were waiting for them. The three of them were tough to spot, though, standing in the middle of the chaos.

The base was full of activity. Dozens of defenders were marching to their posts, reporting to their superiors, watching the sky for any sign of attack. And that was what Mark, Chris, and Vinton seemed to be doing. Their eyes were trained on the sky.

As Breck approached, the rest of the group behind him, Vinton was pointing upwards, tracing the path of a large, angry hrall.

"We need to get back to the Palace," Breck said, causing their attention to shift from the monsters above.

Tension eased out of Mark's shoulders, a noticeable slumping, as he took them all in.

"Finally!" Vinton threw his hands in the air, a small smile on his face. "Took you guys long enough."

Chris stuck his finger up. "This shit again. I mean, when is it going to stop?" His head shifted to the side slightly, as if he had heard something, then he shook it.

Mark stepped up to Nick and held out his hand. Nick took it quickly, and they gave each other a brisk, firm shake, and then a nod.

Breck didn't understand them. Their relationship was a weird one. According to Nick, they were best friends. And yet, in the middle of a potentially life-threatening situation, the most that Mark could offer him was a handshake.

"This kind of ruined your big day, eh?" Mark said.

Nick shrugged. "I guess it will be a good way to prove myself." He fingered the sword that was attached to his waist. "I've been itching to cut down some of those fucking monsters."

Breck looked around the courtyard, trying to orient himself amongst the chaos. He knew the place well, obviously. He had been a defender for a long time, and the base was like a second home to him.

He knew where they had to go.

He pointed to the other side of the building, across the large, square courtyard that was exposed to the sky. "That's our way out." The rest of the group turned to look at him. "Through there. Then we make our way out of the Matches, we go through Hilltown, and we trust that they  haven't locked down the Palace yet."

Adam lifted up Landel's hand. "I think this guy, right here, is our insurance that they haven't."

A screech from above.

A few heartbeats later, a hrall swooped down into  the courtyard, its claws grabbing onto a young defender. The man cried out, swinging his sword wildly and ineffectively. The steel didn't touch  the monster. But, thankfully, the defenders around him leapt into action. Their swords struck true. In pain, the beast released the defender,  retreated back into the sky, and gave the defenders below an irritated, angry squawk.

"We have to go," Breck said, urging the rest of them to follow him with a wave of his hand.

They didn't require much convincing.

Nick joined Breck at the front, and, together, they led the group around the edge of the courtyard, swimming through the endless current of people. They managed to push their way out of the building and began to make their way through the streets of The Matches.

Breck tried to keep them somewhat hidden, leading them into smaller, narrower roads, and under raised awnings. But the streets around them had descended into pure chaos. By now, many had managed to find safety in one of the surrounding buildings, but there were still some people out in the open.

💎A Collision of Fates💎 (Straight to Gay) (MxM) (18+)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat