6 - Adam

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"Arm out please," the dresser said, pins hanging out his mouth.

Adam lifted up his arm, giving the man better access, and looked in the mirror across from them.

When he had agreed to attend the Academy, he hadn't expected such formal outfits. The robes were white and willowy, draping off of him in two strips, split in the front and, underneath, he was meant to wear a very formal, buttoned coat and pants. 

Chris was standing next to him. He was looking at himself as well, but there seemed to be a slight smirk on his face.

"Man, I look fucking good," Chris said.

Did he? Did he, really? Then again, Chris had gone to a prestigious private school. He had worn uniforms to school every single day, while Adam, in his shitty public school, had usually stuck to a combination of sweatpants and hoodies. Chris was used to this kind of formality.

"You look like a way-too-old altar boy," Adam said.

"You mean a priest?"

"Is that what they are?" Adam said.

Chris shrugged. "No fucking clue. All I know is that i've always wanted something like this to University. Some Oxford type outfit, yah know?"

Adam didn't know. He was much more comfortable in a tanktop and shorts, or a sweater and some joggers. Whatever he had on right now was the complete opposite of what he wanted. He couldn't imagine sitting through an entire class in the thick, warm robe. But he wasn't going to complain. King Esteck and his family were being very generous, he realized that, and he wasn't about to become a spoiled brat.

"A priest is different than an altar boy," Mark said, sitting behind them, arms crossed.

Adam's dad was on the chair next to Mark. He smiled at the both of them. "I'll have to take your word for it." He was probably thinking about how ridiculous Adam looked, how different the whole situation was. But Adam was trying not to let his mind go there anymore. He couldn't think about his mom or Evelyn. They would get back to them, somehow. There was no point in overthinking it.

"Alright," the dresser said, finally taking a step back and looking at the two of them approvingly. "I think my work is done. Just have to get King Esteck to make sure he's satisfied, and we'll have these packed up for your journey tomorrow."

"Thanks," Adam said, clearly for both of them cause Chris was too busy looking at himself in the mirror. The dresser nodded to him and left.

"You know, when Esteck told us about the Academy, I did not know it was going to be a boarding school situation," Mark said. "I would have had more to say."

Earlier, they had met with a representative of The Academy, a charismatic man named Master Lyle, who had explained exactly what their classes and accommodations were going to look like.

The whole situation had become a little more real. And Adam couldn't really believe he was leaving his dad. They had just been magically transported to another world, and he was going off to study at an academy two hours away. But, apparently, the students could return home every couple of weeks.

Still, all of the classes, herbonomics, world history, mechanics, and calculations, did seem like a lot. Hearing Master Lyle speak about them, Adam had been reminded of just how hard he had found school in his own world. If it was anything like that here, he was going to have a hard time.

But, then again, he didn't have anyone to impress here. His future wasn't riding on his grades here. He was just doing it for fun, to learn a little more about the world, to pass the time before they could figure out a way to get back to their own planet, their own world. The stakes were lower, and that dampened his anxiety.

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