69 - Nick

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Nick swung his sword  like he was cutting it through water, he slammed it downwards like he  was trying to club a stone, and he kept it high and steady like he was  trying to take down a hrall.

He had been practicing the forms for weeks and he knew them intimately.  But, even still, moisture began to bead his forehead and he could feel  sweat stain the back of his loose shirt.

His initiation as a defender was happening on a hot day.

He flipped his sword from side to side, trying to ignore the gazes of the  people around him, of the crowd around him. If he got nervous, if his  hand started to shake, he could end up making a fool of himself. No, he couldn't think of the crowd, of the expectations.

So, instead, he thought about the forms.

The five forms of Ifeelee, named after the famous master, the legendary  general, the man who had defeated the empire. Which was about all that  Nick had learned about the man during training. Listening to Commander Kerser drone on and on and on about the history of the defenders had  been about as interesting as watching grass grow.

His beard was itching badly. The sweat was making it sting. All he wanted  to do was drop the sword, reach up, and scratch his chin with both  hands. But he couldn't do that, he wouldn't do that.

Because this was it. This was the culmination of months of hard, grueling work.

Becoming a defender was not easy. He hadn't expected it to be easy, but his expectations had done nothing to make living through the training any easier.

He had been waking up at the ass-crack of dawn every single morning,  jogging around the fields outside of the city. He had spent dozens of  mornings endlessly drilling the Ifeelee forms, swinging his sword around  until he couldn't feel his arms anymore. He had been sitting in study  with Commander Kerser, learning all about the history of the defenders, the tactics that they employed, the principles that they adhered to.

Our people above all.

Now, as he flipped his sword from side to side, as he brought it crashing  down and rearing upwards, using the weapon was like walking. It was second nature to him. His sword was a part of his body. When he drilled  the forms, the world faded away, and the only thing that mattered was  him and his sword.

What did his instructors always call it?

The great duo.

The true soulmates, a man and his sword.

Unity through courage.

He was almost there, almost done. A few more strokes. His footwork was  airy and light as he shifted around the courtyard, moving through the  sparse, dusty grass. The eyes around him were piercing, but he wasn't  going to let that phase him.

Almost done. Shift. Almost done. Swipe.

For our Goddess. For our land.

Nick tore his sword upwards. A final, elegant strike.

And then he was finished.

Nick kept his sword hoisted his in the air. The steel glinted in the hot, Sesstrian sun as it shot towards the clear, blue sky.

He was done. Finally, he was done. How long had it been since he had begun this program? How many months? How many hours?

The assembled crowd erupted into cheers. For a moment, Nick thought that  something else had happened, that someone else must've stepped into the center of the courtyard. But no, they were cheering for him. This ceremony was for him.

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