86 - Nick

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They didn't sit around a fire that night. Fires attracted attention, and could attract the Red Riders again. Sure, they had manage to fend them off once, but maybe they would come back with some more friends, more monsters, more swords. Nick wasn't sure if they would be able to survive another assault.

So, as darkness descended over The Spread, they simply made their beds, and set a schedule for watch.

Nick and Breck were told to take the first watch. Two hours, give or take.

"If you hear anything, a twig snap, a quiet growl, a weird wind, you let me know." Henrov's face, as always, was serious as he spoke to Nick and Breck. "We cannot be ambushed again."

Breck nodded. "Understood, Henrov." He touched the hilt of the sword on his back. "But this time, I won't have to make-do with just my hands."

"Still, I do not want another altercation, not if I can help it." Henrov turned to Nick. "Am I being clear, Fulton?"

Nick nodded, still a little distracted. "Yes."

"Good. When your time is done, wake up Mikh and Warlan, they will be next." With those words, Henrov stalked back to his bed and then lowered himself down into the blanket.

Just like Nick had been fearing, he and Breck were alone again. Silently, the two of them made their way over to a large, flat rock that overlooked their sleeping colleagues and had a good view of the surrounding landscape. Nick sat down on it, facing one direction. Breck pulled himself onto the rock as well, facing the other direction.

That kiss.

He had not been able to stop thinking about that fucking kiss.

And now, as he looked into the complete darkness of The Spread, that moment came back to him. The place they had chosen to camp in was completely unremarkable. A somewhat guarded clearing that was situated between two, giant trees. There were some shrubs around them, but they weren't plentiful or thick enough to keep them truly hidden. It was a boring spot, nothing like the cliff they had camped on the night before. Point being, Nick had nothing to look at, he had nothing admire. All he could do was think.

Think about that kiss. That fucking kiss.

Breck had been ontop of him, strong and steady. His face had been close, so close. The man had just saved him from the grips of the Red Riders, and the tentacles of the monster. Something about Breck's body had been different. What had it been? To Nick, it had been like something about Breck had changed. But he couldn't quite remember what.

And then Breck had leaned down and kissed him.

Fuck. He had kissed him. Nick had kissed a fucking man. He hadn't initiated the kiss, but, damn, it had taken him a long time to push back against it. There had been something calming in that moment, something safe, something hypnotizing that had stopped him from pushing back against it.

He had been surprised, that's all. There was nothing else to it.

Nick was married to Sally. Nick was attracted to women. Nick didn't kiss men. Before, Nick had imagined what Sally would've thought of this little plan. She probably would've laughed, maybe she would've thought it was a good idea. And then, he had considered what she would've thought about their dance in Yvvi. Again, Nick had thought that Sally would've found it odd, but still kind of funny. Now, though, Nick didn't know what to think. Sally wouldn't have been happy with Breck kissing Nick. Nick was Sally's husband, the love of her life. Breck was a man. None of it made sense, and Sally would've been confused.

Nick was right there with her. His mind was a swampy mess of questions.

"I'm sorry." Breck's voice was quiet, a whisper on the wind.

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