62 - Adam

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The day after Chris and Vinton left for Boletara, Maxil still hadn't been found and most people in the palace had given up hope.

Oh sure, Esteck was still making a big show about stomping around and demanding that the investigation continue, but the lockdowns had been lifted, the checkpoints had been dismantled, and life had quickly gone back to normal.

The only one who still acted like they were under orders to stay in their rooms as much as possible was Mark. Chris's dad was a rare sight around the palace. He got servants to bring food and drink to his room and seemingly only talked to Nick, and even that happened infrequently. The big man was throwing a toddler-like tantrum.

Adam was too busy to care, really. The revelation that Maxil was The Shadow Knight had rocked their investigation to the core, but also confirmed what they had suspected. The Shadow Knight had been someone close to the center of the government, it had been someone on the inside.

They had spent most of that next day in Yerda's study, at the top of the palace. The scholar was busy and had been popping in an out throughout the day, while Adam and Landel had paced around the small office and considered the situation.

Landel was having a hard time digesting the information. Apparently, he had known Maxil for a long time. He was finding it difficult to understand how someone that had served him so faithfully for years could try to kill him.

Landel was going through a process of grief, in a way. When Adam had written the name "Maxil" beside the title "The Shadow Knight" on their large piece of paper, Landel had shaken his head and sighed copiously. But, for Adam at least, it was another piece of the puzzle. The mystery of the cult was slowly falling into place and even though none of it made much sense yet, he could tell that the answer to everything was within their reach. The identity of The One and the origins of their hatred of The Goddess would be clear.

But as the day passed, and the bright sun drifted into Yerda's study, Adam found himself gazing out of the window. It didn't take very long for Landel to notice.

They quickly decided to make up for their lost day. They put on some shorts, grabbed some fresh towels, and made their way out of Sesstria, across the main road, and towards Hullit's Lake. It wasn't as hot as it had been on the day that Maxil had attacked them, but it was nice enough. Landel had made it very clear that the weather was going to turn sour soon and they needed to take advantage of the heat while they could.

When they approached the purple waters of the idyllic lake, the sound of splashing and laughing drifted up to them. Landel and Adam looked at each other and continued through the final few trees.

They finally got to the waters edge. Napsit was in the lake, a little ways out, smiling, giggling. He was pushing someone around playfully. Adam didn't recognize the other guy at first, but when Landel went stiff beside him, the face clicked in his head. It was Phiel. It was Landel's ex.

They two hadn't seen them yet, so Adam leaned into Landel. "We can go if you want. This can wait."

Landel gulped. He stared out at them and then turned to Adam and shook his head. "No." He reached forward and grabbed Adam's hand, squeezing it. "Phiel is a great guy. Napsit is one of my best friends. If they're going to be hanging out, I'm going to have to be around it. And, besides, I have you now."

Adam smiled. "Are you sure?"

Landel nodded. "Always." Then he turned and looked back out at the two guys in the lake. "Napsit! Phiel! Decided to make use of the weather?"

They stopped splashing each other, suddenly noticing Adam and Landel on the edge of the water. Napsit's face broke into a huge grin, which softened in a moment, probably when he realized who he was with. Phiel, on the other hand, turned to Landel and gazed at him with a look of intense, dreadful sadness. The expression made Adam's heart sink. Did he still love Landel? Were there some unresolved feelings?

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