4 - Adam

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Adam became aware of the noises first. Some dinging and some knocking. Maybe a voice? He pried open a sleepy, crusty eye and turned away from the window that was shooting blinding light at him.

"Master Adam." There was voice, muffled and faint. He opened his eyes more. "Master Adam, breakfast is going to be served in a couple minutes. Would you like me to bring you a plate?"

Adam managed to croak out, "breakfast?"

"Oh," the voice said, relieved. Adam recognized the voice somewhat. It must've been the same servant that had led to him to his room yesterday. "Thank Goddess you are awake. Yes, breakfast. It will be served soon, in case you'd like to join."

He was aware again, and everything flooded back. Everything. The purple lake, Sesstria, Kullver, Esteck, Yerda, the palace, his room.

MAGIC! Fucking magic!

Adam sat up suddenly, pushing his hair out of his eyes and looking around. It was the same room, the one he had been shown to. None of it had been a dream. It was all real.

That sinking feeling returned, worst than ever, and he stood up from his bed, suddenly desperate to see his dad, to see someone he knew.

"I'll be there," Adam said.

"Wonderful," the servant said, voice growing louder. "I will go ahead and let them know. The dining hall is just past the main corridor, the one you entered through. I trust you will be able to find it?"

"Yes," Adam said, swinging open the dresser and pulling out an outfit that he thought was suitable, a button up shirt and some black pants. The other pieces of clothing were suits and fancy clothes, shit he would wear walking to the changeroom during gameday, not things he would wear to breakfast. And it all had an ancient feel about it, which he guessed made sense because of the place they had ended up.

He glanced out the window before leaving. The sun had just appeared over the horizon and was blazing in the blue sky.

It was a nice view. Really nice. The city of Sesstria spread out all around below him. People rushed around the streets like little insects, moving over the cobbled roads. Around the city, hugging the walls, were farmer's fields. Squares of yellow and green and red weaved a gorgeous tapestry around the town, spreading out over the land beyond. Little cottages, smoke coming from their chimneys, dotted the landscape.

Fuck, it was nice. If he hadn't been stuck here, if this had been an actual vacation, he might've enjoyed the sight. But now, it only made him more aware of how far away from home he was, how different everything was.

Adam shut the door to his room with a click and turned.

He thought he knew where to go, but as he traversed through hallways and down stairs, everything began to blend together. The place was a fucking maze. Finally, though, he found the grand staircase that led into the entrance room.

But how late was he? The last thing he wanted was to miss some important discussion or information or decision because he had slept in.

He slid down the stairs, racing through the entry way. He passed confused servants who watched him with wide-eyes. He slid under a large doorway at the back of the entrance room and then kept going, picking up the pace, not running but not walking either.

He reached the end of the hallway and turned the corner and --

"Whoa, shit!" He smacked into someone and tossed himself back, tripping over his feet and falling on his ass.

"Hey there," the man said, looking down on him, shock on his face quickly turning into a smile. "Gotta watch where you're going."

Adam looked up at him, cringing. "Fuck. Sorry." There was something familiar about the guy who he had hit. Some sort of resemblance. He was young, probably around Adam's age, with short, curly brown hair and a wide smile.

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