50 - Landel

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"What was I supposed to do, dad?" Landel said, stalking back and forth over the field.

The sun was going down and golden rays had begun to paint the grass. The Academy was perched on its rocky foundation, a castle in the distance.

Landel's dad stood before him, arms crossed, shaking his head. He was dressed in official, military regalia. His golden crown circled his head and dazzling pins dangled from the lapel. He was trying to intimidate Landel, trying to tell him that he was here as the King and not as his dad.

The dozen Defenders that formed a circle around them only added to the stifling formality of their conversation. This was King Esteck having a private meeting with one his subjects, not a father talking to his son.

"Do I really need to explain that to you?" Esteck said. "You should have asked Headmaster Hiff if you could go down there to investigate."

"And how long would that have taken? Months? Weeks? Who knows."

Esteck held his hands up. "Regardless, Landel, it was the right thing to do. It was the lawful thing to do. I don't think it would be hard to decide that you exceeded your authority as the task force investigator."

The anger had already been swirling inside of him, but, right then, he could feel it get hotter and hotter. Landel had to turn away and wipe his face. He needed to calm down, nothing productive ever came from fights with his dad.

"The purpose of the task force is to investigate crystal veins and that is exactly what I did."

Esteck's face remained steady, calm. "That is not exactly what you did. You and your friends broke into a forbidden portion of The Academy and put yourselves, not to mention the rest of the students and staff, in danger."

"Dad, I don't think you understand the urgency of this situation."

"I think I do, Landel. I think I understand it just fine."

"Really?" Landel said, venom sliding into his voice. "Do you really?" Landel jabbed a finger over his dad's shoulder and towards the Academy. "A cult infiltrated The Academy and found their way to the old dungeon. They were stealing soul from the Goddess. They are literally going to end the human race if we don't do anything about it."

"It is not your job to worry about that," Esteck said. Landel opened his mouth to protest, but Esteck continued before he could. "I understand, son." His voice got softer. "I know you're coming from a good place. I know you are guided by your desire to help. But, I can tell you, what you're doing is not helping, it is making things worse. If we upset the people we need, then this whole thing is going to fail."


"Your job is to investigate crystal veins. Your job is to find out where they are. Your job is not to defy the orders of your superiors and capture cultists."

Landel's ears went hot. His dad was being a condescending prick. He was talking to Landel like he was a child and not his fully grown son who was about to graduate. He was going to be King one day, Goddess! "I cannot fucking believe this. You're telling me that, if I find cultists stealing soul, I should just wait and get the Defenders to take care of it?"


"I can't do that, dad."

Esteck's flat mouth descended into a frown. "You're going to have to if you want me to keep the task force operational."

"There could be thousands of cultists out there at this very moment, draining the Goddess of her soul," Landel said, throwing his hands around wildly, he couldn't stop himself. "They are converting poor, disenfranchised people into deranged cultists. They are making them worship someone called The One, a delusional maniac who thinks they can become a God. The cultists have somehow found crystal veins all over Sesstria and are draining soul from the Goddess by putting them into mingots. The situation is so fucked, dad. I... I can't just be idle."

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