61 - Chris (18+)

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The city descended into chaos. News that there was a fugitive attempting to escape spread through the palace, the defenders, and the people very quickly. And Esteck wasted no time shutting down the gates, erecting checkpoints, and forcing shadow casters into questioning sessions with defenders.

The winding, cobbled streets of Sesstria, which would have been full of people, emptied. Most citizens retreated back into their homes, shuttered their windows, and locked their doors.

Chris watched it all unfold from the palace windows. There wasn't much else to do. They had been told to stay indoors and to only leave on extremely urgent matters. A group of defenders were stationed in front of the drawbridge and were stopping anyone and everyone that tried to get in or out of the palace.

He could hardly believe that all of this was because of Maxil, the servant. Chris hadn't had many interactions with the guy, but he had seemed nice enough. He had always made sure that they were well taken care of, and had always responded to requests with a polite smile and a bow. The fact that he was the deadly, psychotic Shadow Knight was hard to reconcile.

But Adam and Landel's story was irrefutable.  It was the rest of their story that got a little unbelievable.

The four of them had spent the rest of that day in the palace library. Adam and Landel had gone over their investigation and Vinton and Chris had tried to pay attention to their wild theories and speculation. More than once, Vinton and Chris had locked eyes with eachother and expressed their disbelief, through a pointed look, at some of the things the other two were saying.

Apparently, they thought that the conspiracy against the Goddess was an extensive one. They thought that is stretched from The Academy to the palace. Which, fine, that was easy enough to believe. But the idea that more of the servants or royals were involved in the plot seemed crazy to Chris. The last thing he wanted to do was look over his shoulder everytime he entered his room, or worry about getting sliced to pieces if he went to the kitchen for a midnight snack. Still though, Chris listened. Adam and Landel were involved in the investigation more than he was, so who was he to say what was likely?

On the first night of the lockdown, when the sun descended and the heat of the day began to dissipate, the four of them went their separate ways. Adam and Landel disappeared into Landel's room and Chris and Vinton went into Chris's. It was the perfect excuse for Vinton to spend the night with him, the man couldn't leave even if he wanted to.

But, before he could really settle down, Chris knew there was one more thing he had to do. So, as the fires were lit around the castle and the moon began its long arc through the night sky, Chris left Vinton in their room and walked to his dad's.

He knocked on the door softly, anxiety and dread filling him as he waited for the man to open it.

When he finally did, Mark took one look at Chris, shook his head, and the shut the door in his face.


He wasn't even that sad anymore. He was fucking angry. Who knew that his dad was such a goddamned bigot? If Chris's mom had known, she would've definitely talked to him about it, there would've been an issue. His mom was progressive, generally. She had a few gay friends, as far as he knew. And Mark acted like this? Towards his own son?

He stood there, outside of his dad's door, and let the rage tear through him.

A new master, yes. A new master, indeed.

In a second, his whole body went rigid. More voices. Just like before. Just like the ones he had heard on the panae field before everything went dark and also before that.

💎A Collision of Fates💎 (Straight to Gay) (MxM) (18+)Where stories live. Discover now