2. Slight Concern

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After we reached home whilst laughing and giggling around each other, we prepared dinner. Bonnie was boiling spaghetti while I was cutting apples. Damon was near the liquor cabinet, searching for his new favorite liquor he found in his stash.

We finally made dinner and sat near the counter as usual. "I can't believe that we are finally going home tomorrow!", I mumbled, breaking the silence.

"Yeah Sam, we'll be home soon," Damon replied and tapped at the tip of my nose.

I giggled and looked at Bonnie who seemed tensed. "What is it, Bonnie?"

"Look, I want to go home more than anything but Kai's a sociopath, who's to say he won't screw us over?", Bonnie stated. 

"You are right but we have to trust him, we can't just stay here because of one issue. We can look out for ea–", I was about to complete my sentence but Bonnie interrupted me by saying, "Hey, you know there's a very probable chance you're digging your own grave, and... not bothered?". This reply made both of us silent for a bit.

I nodded and continued eating my dinner while Damon furrowed his eyebrows and said, "Bonnie, Hear me out!"

She hummed in response before Damon continued, "Look, we can still get outta here. We can steal that "Descendant" contraption, find out what Kai knows and we'll ditch him because he doesn't have any powers anyway."

Bonnie nodded but I felt like we will be betraying him after all so I asked, "Doesn't this thing make us the bad guys?"

Damon scoffed and said, "Oh Sam, you are friends with supernatural beings who had done something horrible at some point, you will get used to it!"

"I'm afraid, she won't. Am I right Sam?" Kai barged inside with a grin on his face. Bonnie and Damon looked shocked and stood up from their seats while I looked back at my plate with slight embarrassment.

How much did he hear?

"Here's the thing: I have a killer effect on magic. I can't generate it myself. But, I can consume it from others temporarily. My family called me an abomination. That hurt my feelings." Kai conveyed and stretched out his hand whilst holding Bonnie's forearm.

The flames roared to life while Bonnie and Damon held their temples whilst groaning in pain. I flinched and closed my eyes in fear and covered my ears to prevent the shrilling screams to enter my ears.

As soon as they stopped screaming in pain, I opened my eyes and uncovered my ears."I can easily kill all of you and go home but I'm still giving y'all a chance. So tell me, what's it gonna be?"

He leisurely walked around and sat on my seat, eating the apples from my plate as if nothing happened.

But I strode toward Bonnie to check if she is okay but Kai held my hand on the way, especially my palm.

I flinched at his touch but then he left my hand with an enigmatic smile and stood up to leave. "See y'all tomorrow, Good night!", Said Kai and left the room.

We stood there dumbfounded for a while before I stepped toward Bonnie to hug her "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?"

She nodded and replied, "I'm fine now."

Damon sighed as he stood across the table, "Can I get a hug too?"

We both let out a chuckle and waved him to come over so that we could hug him. Damon mumbled, "Okay, two hugs are better!"

"I know, right?" Bonnie chimed in to lighten the mood.


The next day, In the morning, we were finally ready to go back to our home. Kai knocked at the door 5-6 times before I opened it. I saw that he was carrying a bulgy bag. Maybe he stuffed many things in that.

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