3. You Stayed

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Kai's Pov-

I knocked at the door which followed the sound of some heavy steps before she opened it. She was looking quite different and fresh. I liked her outfit.

"Nice outfit!" I complimented.

"Thanks, C'mon in!", She replied and gave me a way inside the house.

As soon as I entered the house the aroma of butter from the kitchen across the hall brushed my nose. She walked toward the kitchen and looked back at me, "Would you like to eat something?"

How can I ever say no to such an aromatic breakfast which was tempting to your eyes so I replied, "Yeah! Sure!"

While we were having breakfast, I noticed that she was fidgeting with her leg. I assumed that she is nervous.

"What's wrong?"

"Where are we going?" She muttered incoherently. She was scared, I can tell by looking at her face.

"It's a surprise!", I announced and decided to keep this mysterious mask on. After finishing my breakfast, I grabbed my bag and strode out.

"C'mon! Sam!", I looked back to see if she is following me or not.

She came behind me and didn't say anything. I really hated this awkward silence even after 18 years of not speaking to anyone. She silently sat beside me in the car, nervous and most probably, scared.

Paranoid much?

Samantha's pov-

I sat beside him in the front seat without uttering a word. I realized his eyes were on me and is not willing to look away but after some time, he started the car and pushed the accelerator with all power he had.

I closed my eyes and accidentally held his arm for a second which was resting after the car sped up but as soon as I realized, I took my hand off.

"I was actually enjoying it!", He giggled whilst increasing the speed.

He didn't care about the speed limit. He drove the car as if he didn't care about his life and why not, he can't die and I can.

I noticed how he changed his route and drove towards the airport. I panicked in distrust and asked, "Airport? Why are we going airport?"

"Sam, we are going to fly!" He guffawed while speeding up the car.

"What the hell! Do you even know how to fly a plane!?", I panicked and clutched my hair.

"Shockingly, yes!", He said out loud and ignored my attempts of stopping him.

I tried to make him stop the car on the way but I failed. Soon, we reached the airport where he parked his car near a plane and came out of the car.

Before I could lock the car inside, he opened the door and grabbed my arm forcefully to drag me inside the plane. I struggled in his grip but he muttered something under his breath, which made me fall asleep.

Kai's pov-

"Gosh, she is really powerful even though she failed to get free from me. I guess she gave me a bruise in return too." I looked at my wrist and mumbled whilst staring at her.

She was sleeping peacefully in her seat. I chuckled while remembering the moment when she panicked in the car. Indeed, She is cute even if she is trying to fight me.

Just like weak prey.

I fastened her seat belt and went back to the pilot's cabin. Before taking off, I looked back through the window at her to make sure that the spell worked.

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