31. Cloud nine

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Kai's pov-

She is just overwhelmed by the news and nothing much. I know that there is a part inside her that still cares for me. That still wants me.

I was sitting at the edge of the bed, waiting for her to come out of the bathroom after she woke up. As soon as the knob twisted, my head snapped in her direction. She was looking so tantalizing as she stepped out of the bathroom. Her plump lips and her beautiful brown eyes depicted the fall season.

After she passed out yesterday, I spent my whole day searching for the answers in grimoires. I checked her phone eventually to see if there are any calls from her brother, Adrian. I made sure that I won't touch any contacts from her "friends".

I finally found the spell to undo the vampire's compulsion and I can't wait to get her back now.

"What are you staring at?" she spoke up whilst tucking the free strand of hair behind her ear. Her voice was a bit shaky but I couldn't dare to take my eyes off her face. The steam on her face made her cheeks red.

"Uh, you?" I chuckled while standing up from my place. She observed my every movement with her lowered gaze. I hate it when she not looks into my eyes and fears me.

"So, are you ready to bring back your long-lost memories?" I beamed as I picked up my grimoire from the nightstand beside her. Our arms brushed during this but sadly I felt her stepping away from me. As if she repulsed my touch.

"Who said I want my memories back?" her eyes widen with shock.

"You don't?" I froze in the middle of what I was doing. My grip on the grimoire started to get weak.

"No, I don't." she breathed out and stepped out of the room.

No no no, she has to remember me.

My grip on the grimoire tightened again as I approached her. This time, I held her wrist from behind. She flinched at my touch and it pained me that I couldn't heal her cuts with my blood.

I wasn't sure if it was still safe for her to have my blood. What if I still have werewolf's venom in my blood?

"Hey, I don't want to hurt you or anything. I just want you to remember what we had." I tried a different approach this time. Maybe the emotional card will do a trick.

"Kai, I don't wanna remember anything about it. I lost my friend and you are the root cause of it. How can you even think that I want to be with you after that?" She mumbled with tears in her eyes. I can sense the defeat in her voice. But the words stung very hard.

She doesn't want to be with you anymore.

A voice echoed in my mind and it wasn't good. I can't let her go like this. I thought she was supposed to be with me. I did this for her. She was supposed to be happy.

"W- why are you saying this? You're supposed to be happy with me. Why are you not happy?" My grip around her wrist tightened. I could feel her pulse under my fingertips.

Her face got pale and that's when she tried to claw her hand on mine to get away from me. Why does she always run away from me? She wasn't answering my question which made me more infuriated.

"Answer my damn question, Samantha!" I demanded. She flinched at my raised voice but didn't say anything. She was getting on my nerves now.

"I- I don't..." she stammered in her shaky voice. Suddenly, I got to my senses and quickly left her hand. I glanced at her wrist which was left with my handprint.

"I don't want those memories. Not after what you've done." she sniffled with a glazing glare. The wanly look on her face and those unbearable words that I was trying to ignore started getting under my skin. Why can't she understand how much I need her?

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