1. Arya Malhotra.

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***Arya's POV.***

Buzz... Buzz...Buzz...

I wake with a start as I look at the clock, which says it is only 7am. I get up and get ready in a pink churidar. I comb my dark brown hair and apply kajal under my light brown eyes. Then I went to the pooja room in our house.

I lighten up the aarti, then put some prasad on the plate along with other things. I stand in front of the sculpture of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. And just before I start the aarti, I feel my family coming and standing behind me.

After completing prayers, I give aarti and prasad to everyone. It includes my Nanu and Nani (maternal grandparents), Mamu and Mami (maternal uncle and aunty) and my cousin brothers.

My mother got married at a very young age. She ran away from home for love. She abandoned this family for my father, who left her for wealth. For seven years, her family didn't talk to her. But when she came back, they opened their arms for her, only to lose her again.

My mother came to know that she had cancer, which was at the last stage. She only hoped that Mamu would look after me, her daughter, and win my custody so my father would not use me for money. And in just six months everybody gave me so much love that I never received from my own father.

With her dying breath, my mother gave me the last order to always respect my elders and listen to them. They will always want the best things for me. That I should marry the person they choose for me and never follow in her steps. She also said that I was always loved by her.

I didn't know what she was talking about then but still I gave her that wish with tears running down my cheeks. I still remember the day my father showed up to claim me and Mamu fighting with him saying that I am no more Ahuja but a Malhotra.

My Mamu, Daksh Malhotra took my full custody fairly in court. And from there on, there was no going back. I look at my brothers who have treated me like an angel. Shaurya bhai (brother), Reyansh bhai and Parth are the best brothers in the world.

There is one more member in our house. My sweet seven month old nephew, Veer. Veer is the light of this house but I don't know why his mother, Priya abandoned him at such a young age.

Everything was okay between Shaurya bhai and Priya bhabhi (sister in law) as they were childhood friends. For three years they were together nobody could have told them that they don't love each other but suddenly one day everything changed.

Veer was just four months old and Priya bhabhi announced her divorce with bhai. She told everyone that there was no love between them anymore and she is in love with someone else.

Priya demanded custody of the child along with alimony. But Shaurya bhai won Veer's custody by proving that Priya was irresponsible towards the baby which she actually was and she had an extra marital affair.

There are times I had to keep my eyes on my nephew to see if he needs anything. He would often cry out but Priya would be too busy with other things. I once even scolded her for that but she just walked away.

She always used to be like that, estranged from others. She got nothing after divorce as bhai proved in court that she was cheating on him. I still remember the loathing look she gave bhai and said that she will destroy his life like he did with her.

I go to Shaurya bhai's room to see Veer. He sleeps there only. Bhai loves his son a lot. He gives him all the attention he needs and looks after him all the time. In return, Veer helped bhai getting out of the messy divorce memories.

I see the nanny bringing out Veer from his bath and he giggles when he sees me. When I go near them, he tries to fly out of his nanny's arm into mine.

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