28. Living With Guilt.

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***Arya's POV.***

We were lucky that there was a doctor present in our midst and he had his bag. He checked Dadi's blood pressure, which was high. She took her medicine, but the doctor said it happens when a person is under stress or experiences anxiety.

We took her home where the doctor said she should be at home rather than in hospital. We called for care in the house only. Dadi's doctor came and checked and concluded the same. She woke up and took the medicine which the doctor prescribed.

"Mrs. Mehra's blood pressure got high despite taking medication because of stress. Make sure she has a happy environment and doesn't take on too much stress. Even though she is healthy, stress is the one thing that can make everything go wrong. Mrs. Mehra, please make sure not to take stress and try to relax." The doctor says and Vedant goes to see him off.

"What is this Meera? You said you were fine before going to the school. If you were not feeling well, you should have said so." Dadu says as he sits beside her and takes her hand in his.

"I was fine. It just happened suddenly that I didn't realise it." She says, looking down.

"Meera. I notice that for the past few weeks, you are always going silent or looking deep in thoughts. If there is something that is bothering you, tell me. Please. Share with me, dear. What is it? Maybe I can help." Dadu says and for a minute we wait for her to say something.

She finally looks up at Dadu with tears in her eyes. "I can't do this anymore, Raj. I can't. For years, I tried to hide my guilt, but it has been eating me all this time. I tried to avoid it so much, but it never goes away. And I don't think it ever will."

"Meera, maybe talking about it would make you free from it. And I am always here to listen to you. I hear your arguments and badgering, so I can definitely hear your pain. I promise not to make fun of it." Dadu says with a smile.

She chuckles, but then a sad look comes over her face and says, "You would hate me."

"I could never hate even if I tried. I can get angry with you, even irritated, but hate. No. You may have done things sometime that upset me, but you were always there for me and you always made sure that I stayed strong for all of us. I can't ignore your good virtues over your bad ones. So you can tell me anything. Because definitely whatever you held in your heart for so long has hurt you and you don't deserve any punishment for it. Guilt is enough for any forgiveness." Dadu says and squeezes her hand.

"I got lucky I guess." Dadi says with a smile.

"Maybe we should give you some space." I say and turn around to see Mayra looking at Dadi in concern.

"No, please stay. Everyone of you. Even Mayra." Dadi says and Mayra's eyes widen, "Please sit here."

That was another shock when Dadi pointed to the space beside Dadu while Mom was beside Dadi on the bed. Vedant puts a chair beside Dadu and Mayra sits in it. While Vedant and I sat at the foot of the bed. Dadu gave her some water and after that, Dadi looked at us.

"I remember that day till now. When she came. Mayra's mother." Dadi says and Mayra's eyes widen while Mom's face is ashen.

"From the looks, she seemed like a normal girl. Her accent was American. She had beautiful blond hair and sea-green eyes, and the way she spoke was wonderful. I loved her voice very much until she told me ‌she was pregnant with my son's child. She was five months pregnant. Her belly was hidden under her loose clothes. At first I refused to believe her and accused her that she was here to blackmail my boy. But she was simply there to ask for help." Dadi said.

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