22. Starting Somewhere.

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***Arya's POV.***

I look beside me to see something good coming out of my current predicament. Mayra and Vedant talking. I could have called Vedant but I called Mayra instead as I was not feeling well, which was an excuse, but at least it made these two talk. But not for long when my family burst through my room.

"Aru!" Mami exclaims.

"My baby." Nani says.

"Dear, what happened?" Nanu says.

"How do you feel?" Mamu asks.

Before my brothers could speak, I said, "I'm fine, but please no more questions, otherwise my head will start hurting."

"Okay. Okay." Mamu says and makes Nani sit on the couch.

Then another family group comes. Mom looks at me with tears in her eyes while Dadi tries to console her and Dadu asks Vedant what happened. The noise in the room gets so loud that the nurse has to warn my family.

"There are other patients here too and you are all disturbing them. So only two visitors at a time. And also only one or two people can stay here with the patient at night. The visiting hour would be over in half an hour." She says and glares at us then leaves.

"You all should go home. I will stay the night and tomorrow you can come to our house to meet Arya." Vedant says.

"I would stay with you." Mom says.

"No, Mom. No old people allowed." I say.

"Hey!" I hear the chorus of it and I put my finger on my lips and tell them to be quiet.

"That is because I don't want you all to get ill while looking after me. I am good. Vedant and Mayra would stay with me. Other than that everyone needs to go home and rest." I say.

"Okay. But I brought some soup." Mom says.

"That is good." Vedant says.

"I'll send dinner for you all." Mom says, giving a slight glance to Mayra.

"Just for me and Mayra. Arya can't eat solid food for two days." Vedant says.

"Then I will send some porridge and fruit juice." Mom says and everyone starts to leave after giving me a pat on head or on cheek.

After they are gone, Mayra arranges a food tray table and Vedant helps me sit up and arranges a pillow behind me. Mayra opens the container for me and the smell of corn soup feels the air.

"Looks like you got your wish to have corn at the end of the day." Vedant teases.

"Rewards." I say with a grin.

"While you have that I will have some cookies." He says and takes the box.

He takes one and passes the box to Mayra who looks at it in surprise then takes a cookie from it. I smile at her and she looks away with mixed emotions in her eyes. I made them both stay with me on purpose. Also after I fall asleep, who knows what will happen. Maybe they will talk like siblings and get closer.

After having soup, I rest or more like I pretend that I'm asleep while Vedant and Mayra have dinner.

"You take it." Mayra says and I open my eyes slightly to see Mayra passing a tiffin box to Vedant.

"No, you take it." Vedant says and slides the box towards Mayra.

"But she must have sent this for you." Mayra says and slides the box back towards Vedant.

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