25. Truth Unfold.

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***Arya's POV.***

Next day, I wake up to find the bed empty and see it is past 9. I get ready and go down to find Mayra laughing with Nanu and Parth while having breakfast. Nanu and Parth have good humour and could make someone feel good too.

Mayra sees me and smiles and gestures to me to have breakfast. I nod and sit next to her and have my breakfast. After that, we left for Mehra's house. The ride back was silent, but it was comforting, not anxious like the other day.

When we come back, Mom smiles at me and asks, "Did you enjoy the time there?"

"Yes, Mom. How are you?" I ask while Mayra walks away without giving a single look to anyone.

Mom looks at her as she goes and for a second I thought I saw her urge to stop Mayra, but it was gone before I could think of it more. Then she turns to me and says, "I am fine."

I asked Vimi about Vedant and she said that he left for office. I get back to working on lunch. The day goes by as usual and Mayra stays in her room for lunch as she has to practice and also she wants to be alone for sometime.

I send away Vedant's lunch to his office and go to my room to gather my thoughts. But when I sit alone, thousands of questions and thoughts invade my mind. It is difficult to prioritise one.

What happened yesterday has left me confused, insecure, angry, upset, and scared. I am confused about what is happening around me. Insecure because Vedant not telling me anything at all makes me feel unsure of how he really feels about me. Angry because of the way he asked me to leave like Mom is just his, not mine. Upset with myself that I can't do anything to make things a little better. And scared that Mayra would withdraw from everything.

I have found a solution, but then I fear that, would I be saving her or sending her from an unloving person to another? I have to make sure before I tell the elders. Many lives depend on this one topic. I can't break this conversation just like that.

Dinner time comes, but Vedant doesn't. Mom looks concerned too, but she is not looking at the door but at the stairs. Mayra has stayed in her room for dinner, too. And I asked Dadu to let her be. We have no right to force her to do something she doesn't want.

"It is her life. She has the right to make her own choices." I say as I serve some shrikhand to Mom.

"Why is Vedant so late today?" Dadi asks me.

"I don't know. We should have dinner. I will make sure he has to. Please." I say and gesture for them to start.

I sit down to have dinner too. Those times are gone when wives have to wait for their husbands to have dinner. If Vedant wants to ignore me and expects me to chase him around for an answer, then he is wrong.

I would not be the only person trying in this relationship. Vedant hasn't called or texted me since yesterday. I have done nothing too, but I no longer want to push him.

The look that Vedant had in his eyes was something he had to talk about on his own. The only thing I want from him is that even if he can't tell me anything right now, he still needs me. That I mean something to him. That I am part of his life, too. Like he is. For the rest of our life.

I look at the clock for the tenth time, and it says it is past eleven. Vedant is late for sure and now I am getting more worried. I sent Mom to rest and lied to her that Vedant was busy in meetings and sent her to sleep.

I waited for him in the living room and decided if he didn't come back by eleven, I'll call him. Just as I am about to pick up my phone to contact him, he enters the living room, tired and sullen.

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