27. Shocking Applaud.

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***Arya's POV.***

I look at Mayra, who is smiling like she has gotten the treasure of the world. She is smiling since her brother gave her not one, but two gifts. First was the head crown and second, her brother himself. I smile as I feel good to see such an appreciable change in Vedant.

He has been working hard to mend his relationship with his siblings. He has even promised to come to see Mayra's secret performance. That was the third gift. She is relaxing for now as her brother told her to and for that; we are here. At my maternal house, to get a massage and manicure and pedicure.

At first, Mayra was reluctant, but when I insisted, she came. She was worried about how Shaurya Bhai would react. She doesn't know what she did wrong, which was not her fault in the first place. But the way Bhai behaved was not something I can do about. Still, I would talk to him.

While Mayra goes to change, I go out to attend a call from Vimi about what to make for dinner. As I talk to her, I see Shaurya Bhai entering the house with Veer in his arms. Today was his vaccine day. He is rooting on Bhai's shoulder than usual and I hang up and go towards him.

"How is he?" I ask Bhai and caress Veer's back.

"Grouchy. Nothing a little cuddling won't solve." Bhai says with a smile as he caresses Veer's back as he hiccups.

"Let me hold him. See if I can do something." I say and go to take him, but he turns away and gets irritated when I try. "Okay. I will back off. He really never leaves your side when he gets like this."

"I like it the most. That means I get an excuse to stay with him at home." He says with a broad smile, like he is telling a deep secret.

"You always loved babies." I say.

"Well, I had three of them. But you were my favourite of all. Don't tell this to Parth." He says and I chuckle.

"I am all relaxed and ready." Mayra says as she comes down and I think Veer's ear perks up when he hears her voice because the next second he turns around with his toothy smile.

"Hi." Shaurya Bhai says with a nod.

"Hi." Mayra says hesitantly.

"Ma." Veer says and spreads his arm for Mayra to take him.

"And here I thought I was special. But Veer likes Mayra more than me. What did you do?" I ask Mayra.

"Same thing I did to you. I love him." She says and takes Veer in her arms when he gets very fussy while Bhai gets shocked, but lets him go.

"You are the best in that." I say and she laughs.

"What happened to him, anyway?" She asks.

"He got vaccinated." I say.

"Oh, now I understand. There, there, Veer. I am here. Wanna sleep, baby. You do. Let's go. I will sing a lullaby so you can slip into slumber easily." Mayra says, completely forgetting her surroundings, and sings as she goes up with Veer.

"She has such a melodious voice. Every time she talks, I just want to listen." I say.

"She is nice, but she is becoming way too close to Veer. He shouldn't get attached to her." Bhai says, but there is no malice behind his words, just concern.

"And what if she doesn't leave and starts living here?" I ask, and Bhai looks at me like I have lost my mind.

"I think she is an artist, not a nanny." Bhai says, and I roll my eyes.

"Obviously, I didn't mean it that way." I say and look at him.

He thinks about it for a second, then his eyes widen and says, "You are not serious."

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