21. Good Habit.

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***Vedant's POV.***

I wave at Arya as she drives off in her car. I turn and get into the building. I sigh and get back to work and don't think about how my wife tried to convince me to go to my sister's exhibition where I was planning to go when I heard about it.

I missed what was going on in Mayra's life for a long time, and I don't want to miss more. The trophies in her room give me complexes and also make me feel proud that I have an overachiever sister. I smile and shake my head.

Teasing Arya was wrong, but I love it, especially the results I get. I have to go home early and talk with Mom and Dadi. I know their answer but I want to try it. I have to push at some point, but not too hard.

After completing my work, I reach home at 6. Mom is on the couch busy knitting a sweater for her new daughter. Dadi, on the other hand, is looking through some magazines. Dadu comes into the living room with a phone in his hand. Mayra and Arya are nowhere to be seen.

"Ved, you are home." Mom says.

"Yes." I say and sit beside her. "Is Arya not home yet?"

"Did she tell you she would be going shopping?" Mom asks.

"She did and she also told me her Nanu gave her some urgent work. But she should be back by now. Did she call?" I ask.

"No." Mom says.

"Don't worry. She must have gotten distracted in the mall." Dadi says.

"But she would have called if she got late." I say.

"Call her if you are that worried." Mom says and I nod.

I call her but she doesn't pick up and that's odd. Arya is the type of person who picks up a phone in almost three rings. She once told me that she doesn't want a person to wait for her call to be picked up. It is the most frustrating thing in the world when you call someone and they don't pick up. I try again but she doesn't pick up again and I start getting concerned for her.

"She is not picking up." I say and Mom gets worried too.

"Call one of her brothers while I'll call Raghu." Dadu says and I nod.

I call Parth as he is in college and often stays home at this time and he picks up in two rings, "Hey, Jiju. How did you remember me today?"

"Hi, Parth. I called you to ask if Arya is there by any chance?" I ask.

"No. She has not been here today. Why? What happened?" He asks, sounding concerned.

"I called her to find out where she was and how long before she would come home but she is not picking up her phone. Do you think she might have gone to meet her friend or somewhere-" I ask and he interrupts me.

"Arya never misses a phone call and that's concerning in itself. And none of her good friends are here. They all are in Chandigarh. Still I'll try to find her and tell others." He says.

"Okay. I'll try calling her again." I say and hang up.

I turn to Dadu and he says, "What did Parth say?"

"She has not gone home. What did Nana Ji say?" I ask.

"The usual. The last he heard from her was when the delivery he expected had arrived. And that was at half past five. The delivery was late so she had gone shopping then for her Nanu's work." Dadu says.

"Mata Rani, please protect Arya and keep her safe." Mom starts praying.

"I will go there and see for myself." I say and dial her number again.

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