41. Epilogue-2.

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***Arya's POV.***

***Another Seven Years Later***

"Aarav!" I yell out.

"That's okay, Mom. My teacher knows I have a little brother, so she didn't scold me that much. And it was good that my book was colored. I wasn't even satisfied with my homework." My eleven-year-old Amara says.

"More like you didn't finish it, did you now?" I ask her as I try to find the little conspirer.

"Come on, Mom. You know Maths is not for me. I am more into languages and colors. Do you know the language I am learning right now? And how far I have gotten in painting?" Amara says with a big smile.

"I know. Because I am paying for it, dear. And also I know your Bua way too well to give me daily updates about your success." I say and roll my eyes.

"Mom?" Eight years old Vedika asks as she comes around the corner with puffy cheeks and tears running down it.

"Oh, dear. What happened now?" I ask as rub her tears away with my dupatta.

"Aarav spoiled my project." She says and then sobs out loudly.

"Aarav!" I say with more anger and my five-year-old son finally shows up.

"Vedi, you should have told him ‌it was important. He wouldn't have touched it." Amara whispers to Vedi.

"I did, but he said I used his glitter and he wants it back." Vedi says and with each word, her crying increases.

"Aarav! You shouldn't have done that. Vedi stayed up for almost all night to make that stupid city." Amara says, and Vedi whines, "I am sorry. I meant a beautiful city."

"I am the mother here, Amara. Why don't you and your sister go to your room? I will send Aarav in a few minutes and you all will help Vedi with her project." I say.

"No." Vedi whines again, "They are stupid. They will spoil it more and I won't even get a C."

"They would be just fine, Vedi." I say and pat her head.

"Looks like I have to make do with C, anyway." She says and goes into her room dejected.

"And you say I am the only one who is sarcastic?" Amara says in her usual sassy tone and then gets into her room.

"Aarav, why did you do that?" I ask as he stands there silently.

"I am sorry. I was just having fun." He says.

"Destroying something is not fun, but easy. But making something is hard. Do you like simple, easy games or hard, exciting ones?" I ask him.

"Hard and exciting. Especially the chess that I play with Reyansh Mamu." He says.

"It takes so much time and you have to think so much, right? Making something takes time and patience, too. Your sister put many efforts into making that project and it must have hurt her that her little brother destroyed it without thinking twice." I say.

"I didn't mean to hurt her. I was just angry that she didn't ask me to help and called me stupid." He says and looks away.

"She didn't mean it. Remember last week when she said that her Aarav is the smartest boy? She also said that Aarav would one day beat Dad into games, too." I say to cheer him up and he nods.

"I will say sorry to her and help her best." He says with a smile and goes but stops, "Amu Di asked me to draw in her books."

"I know, dear. After she finishes helping in the project. Send her down. I have a task for her." I say.

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